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using System.Data;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
namespace Swift.DAL.BL.System.Notification
public class ChangeApprovalDao : RemittanceDao
public DataRow SelectById(string functionId)
string sql = "SELECT * FROM changesApprovalSettings WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE functionId = " +
DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
public DataRow SelectLogHeadById(string functionId, string id)
DataRow dr = SelectById(functionId);
if (dr == null)
return null;
string mainTable = dr["mainTable"].ToString();
string modTable = dr["modTable"].ToString();
string pkField = dr["pkField"].ToString();
string sql =
createdBy = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdBy), MAX(main.createdBy))
,createdDate = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdDate), MAX(main.createdDate))
FROM " +
mainTable + @" main WITH(NOLOCK)
FULL JOIN " + modTable +
@" mode WITH(NOLOCK) ON main." + pkField + " = mode." + pkField +
WHERE main." + pkField + " = " + FilterString(id) + @" OR mode." + pkField +
" = " + FilterString(id);
DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
public DataRow SelectLogHeadByIdUR(string functionId, string id)
string sql =
createdBy = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdBy), MAX(main.createdBy))
,createdDate = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdDate), MAX(main.createdDate))
FROM applicationUserRoles main WITH(NOLOCK)
FULL JOIN applicationUserRolesMod mode WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.userId = mode.userId
AND main.userId = " +
FilterString(id) + @" AND mode.userId = " + FilterString(id);
DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
public DataRow SelectLogHeadByIdUF(string functionId, string id)
string sql =
createdBy = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdBy), MAX(main.createdBy))
,createdDate = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdDate), MAX(main.createdDate))
FROM applicationUserFunctions main WITH(NOLOCK)
FULL JOIN applicationUserFunctionsMod mode WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.userId = mode.userId
AND main.userId = " +
FilterString(id) + @" AND mode.userId = " + FilterString(id);
DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
public DataRow SelectLogHeadByIdRC(string functionId, string id)
string sql =
createdBy = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdBy), MAX(main.createdBy))
,createdDate = ISNULL(MAX(mode.createdDate), MAX(main.createdDate))
FROM csCriteria main WITH(NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN csCriteriaHistory mode WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.csdetailId = mode.csdetailId
AND main.csdetailId = " +
FilterString(id) + @" AND mode.csdetailId = " + FilterString(id) +
AND mode.approvedBy IS NULL";
DataSet ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
public DbResult Approve(string user, string functionId, string id)
DataRow dr = SelectById(functionId);
if (dr == null)
return (new DbResult());
string spName = dr["spName"].ToString();
string pkField = dr["pkField"].ToString();
string sql = spName + " @flag = 'approve', @user=" + FilterString(user) + ", @" + pkField + " = " +
if (functionId == "20131030" ||
functionId == "20131130" ||
functionId == "20131230" ||
functionId == "20131330" ||
functionId == "20601030" ||
functionId == "20601130")
sql = spName + " @flag = 'approveAll', @user=" + FilterString(user) + ", @" + pkField + " = " +
return ParseDbResult(ExecuteDataset(sql).Tables[0]);
public DbResult Reject(string user, string functionId, string id)
DataRow dr = SelectById(functionId);
if (dr == null)
return (new DbResult());
string spName = dr["spName"].ToString();
string pkField = dr["pkField"].ToString();
string sql = spName + " @flag = 'reject', @user=" + FilterString(user) + ", @" + pkField + " = " +
if (functionId == "20141030" ||
functionId == "20141130" ||
functionId == "20131030" ||
functionId == "20131130" ||
functionId == "20131230" ||
functionId == "20131330" ||
functionId == "20601030")
sql = spName + " @flag = 'rejectAll', @user=" + FilterString(user) + ", @" + pkField + " = " +
return ParseDbResult(ExecuteDataset(sql).Tables[0]);
public DbResult RejectUR(string user, string functionId, string id)
string sql =
"[proc_applicationRoleFunction] @flag = 'reject', @roleIds = '1', @functionIds = NULL, @user = " +
FilterString(user) + ", @userId = " + FilterString(id);
return ParseDbResult(ExecuteDataset(sql).Tables[0]);
public DbResult RejectUF(string user, string functionId, string id)
string sql =
"[proc_applicationRoleFunction] @flag = 'reject', @roleIds = NULL, @functionIds = '1', @user = " +
FilterString(user) + ", @userId = " + FilterString(id);
return ParseDbResult(ExecuteDataset(sql).Tables[0]);
public string[] GetChangeList(string functionId, string id)
DataRow dr = SelectById(functionId);
if (dr == null)
return new[] {"", ""};
string mainTable = dr["mainTable"].ToString();
string modTable = dr["modTable"].ToString();
string pkField = dr["pkField"].ToString();
string pageName = dr["pageName"].ToString();
string changeType = "";
string sql = "SELECT 'x' FROM " + mainTable + " WHERE approvedBy IS NULL AND " + pkField + " = " +
string res = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (res == "x")
changeType = "Insert";
sql = "SELECT modType FROM " + modTable + " WHERE " + pkField + " = " + FilterString(id);
if ((mainTable + "History").ToUpper() == modTable.ToUpper())
sql = sql + " AND approvedBy IS NULL ";
res = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (res.ToUpper() == "U")
changeType = "Update";
else if (res.ToUpper() == "D")
changeType = "Delete";
string oldValue = "";
string newValue = "";
if (changeType == "Insert")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(mainTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
newValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (changeType == "Update")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(modTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
newValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (changeType == "Update" || changeType == "Delete")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(mainTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
oldValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
return new[] {oldValue, newValue, pageName, changeType};
public string[] GetChangeListUR(string functionId, string id)
string mainTable = "applicationUserRoles";
string modTable = "applicationUserRolesMod";
string pkField = "userId";
string pageName = "User Roles";
string changeType = "";
string sql = "SELECT modType FROM " + modTable + " WHERE " + pkField + " = " + FilterString(id);
string res = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (res.ToUpper() == "U")
changeType = "Update";
string oldValue = "";
string newValue = "";
if (changeType == "Update")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(modTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
newValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(mainTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
oldValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
return new[] {oldValue, newValue, pageName, changeType};
public string[] GetChangeListUF(string functionId, string id)
string mainTable = "applicationUserFunctions";
string modTable = "applicationUserFunctionsMod";
string pkField = "userId";
string pageName = "User Functions";
string changeType = "";
string sql = "SELECT modType FROM " + modTable + " WHERE " + pkField + " = " + FilterString(id);
string res = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (res.ToUpper() == "U")
changeType = "Update";
string oldValue = "";
string newValue = "";
if (changeType == "Update")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(modTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
newValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(mainTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
oldValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
return new[] {oldValue, newValue, pageName, changeType};
public string[] GetChangeListRC(string functionId, string id)
string mainTable = "";
string modTable = "";
string pkField = "";
string pageName = "";
string changeType = "";
switch (functionId)
case "20601035":
mainTable = "csCriteria";
modTable = "csCriteriaHistory";
pkField = "csDetailId";
pageName = "Rule Criteria";
case "20601135":
mainTable = "cisCriteria";
modTable = "cisCriteriaHistory";
pkField = "cisDetailId";
pageName = "ID Criteria";
string sql = "SELECT modType FROM " + modTable + " WHERE " + pkField + " = " + FilterString(id) +
" AND approvedBy IS NULL";
string res = GetSingleResult(sql);
if (res.ToUpper() == "U")
changeType = "Update";
string oldValue = "";
string newValue = "";
if (changeType == "Update")
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(modTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
newValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
sql = "EXEC [proc_GetColumnToRow] @returnTable = 'Y'";
sql += ",@tableName = " + FilterString(mainTable);
sql += ",@fieldName = " + FilterString(pkField);
sql += ",@dataId = " + FilterString(id);
oldValue = GetSingleResult(sql);
return new[] {oldValue, newValue, pageName, changeType};
public DataRow CheckApprovalApi(string user, string functionId, string id)
string sql = "EXEC [proc_errPaidTranAPI] @flag = 'c'";
sql += ",@user = " + FilterString(user);
sql += ",@functionId = " + FilterString(functionId);
sql += ",@id = " + FilterString(id);
var ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
return null;
return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];