You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
3.3 KiB

using Swift.DAL.BL.Remit.Administration.Agent;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid.gridHelper;
using Swift.web.Library;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.Administration.AgentSetup
public partial class PickBranch : System.Web.UI.Page
private const string GridName = "grid_branchPick";
private readonly SwiftGrid grid = new SwiftGrid();
private readonly RemittanceLibrary swiftLibrary = new RemittanceLibrary();
public string GetGridName()
return GridName;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
#region method
private void LoadGrid()
string ddlSql2 = "EXEC [proc_staticDataValue] @flag = 'l', @typeId = 4300";
grid.FilterList = new List<GridFilter>
new GridFilter("agentCountry", "Country", "LT"),
new GridFilter("agentGroup", "Agent Group", "1:" + ddlSql2),
new GridFilter("agentLocation", "Location", "1:EXEC proc_apiLocation @flag = 'fl'"),
new GridFilter("parentName", "Agent", "LT"),
new GridFilter("agentName", "Branch", "LT")
grid.ColumnList = new List<GridColumn>
new GridColumn("parentName", "Agent", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("agentName", "Branch", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("agentType1", "Type", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("countryName", "Country", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("agentGroup", "Agent Group", "", "T")
grid.GridType = 1;
grid.GridDataSource = SwiftGrid.GridDS.RemittanceDB;
grid.GridName = GridName;
grid.ShowAddButton = false;
grid.ShowFilterForm = true;
grid.ShowPagingBar = true;
grid.RowIdField = "agentId";
grid.ThisPage = "PickAgent.aspx";
grid.MultiSelect = false;
grid.ShowCheckBox = true;
grid.InputPerRow = 3;
grid.AddPage = "Manage.aspx";
grid.GridWidth = 800;
string sql = "[proc_agentPicker] @flag = 's', @populateBranch = 'Y'";
rpt_grid.InnerHtml = grid.CreateGrid(sql);
private void Authenticate()
private void ManageMessage(string res)
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "Call Back", "CallBack('" + res + "');");
#endregion method
protected void btnPick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var obj = new AgentDao();
string agentId = grid.GetRowId(GridName);
var res = obj.SelectAgent(agentId);