You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

311 lines
14 KiB

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Swift.API.Common;
using Swift.API.Common.Enum;
using Swift.API.TPAPIs;
using Swift.DAL.OnlineAgent;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid.gridHelper;
using Swift.web.Library;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.Administration.CustomerRegistration
public partial class UpdateKYC : System.Web.UI.Page
private const string GridName = "grid_list";
private readonly RemittanceLibrary _sl = new RemittanceLibrary();
private readonly OnlineCustomerDao _cd = new OnlineCustomerDao();
private readonly SwiftLibrary _swiftLib = new SwiftLibrary();
private readonly SwiftGrid _grid = new SwiftGrid();
private readonly StaticDataDdl _sdd = new StaticDataDdl();
private const string ViewFunctionId = "20211000";
private const string UpdateKYCFunctionId = "20211010";
private const string ViewFunctionIdAgent = "";
private const string UpdateKYCFunctionIdAgent = "";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
startDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
startDate.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
string customerId = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("customerId", "");
if (customerId != "")
var customerName = GetCustomerName(customerId);
lblCustName.InnerText = customerName;
string custInfo = (customerId == "" ? hdnCustomerId.Value : customerId) + "," + (customerName);
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "customerDoc", "PopulateAutoComplete('" + custInfo + "')");
var custId = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("customerId", "");
if (GetCustomerId() != "" || custId != "")
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "hide Div", "HideNecessaryDiv()");
private void PopulateCustomerData()
DataRow dr = _cd.GetCustomerData(GetStatic.GetUser(), GetCustomerId());
if (dr != null)
string Name = dr["fullname"].ToString();
string address = dr["address"].ToString();
string mobile = dr["mobile"].ToString();
customerName.Text = Name;
customerAddress.Text = address;
mobileNo.Text = mobile;
private void Authenticate()
_swiftLib.CheckAuthentication(GetFunctionIdByUserType(ViewFunctionIdAgent, ViewFunctionId));
save.Visible = _swiftLib.HasRight(GetFunctionIdByUserType(UpdateKYCFunctionIdAgent, UpdateKYCFunctionId));
save.Enabled = _swiftLib.HasRight(GetFunctionIdByUserType(UpdateKYCFunctionIdAgent, UpdateKYCFunctionId));
public void PopulateDDL()
var user = GetStatic.GetUser();
_sl.SetDDL(ref ddlStatus, "EXEC proc_online_dropDownList @flag='dropdownList',@parentId='7007',@user='" + user + "'", "valueId", "detailTitle", "", "Select..");
_sl.SetDDL(ref ddlMethod, "EXEC proc_online_dropDownList @flag='dropdownList',@parentId='7008',@user='" + user + "'", "valueId", "detailTitle", "", "Select..");
_sdd.SetDDL(ref ddlSearchBy, "exec proc_sendPageLoadData @flag='search-cust-by'", "VALUE", "TEXT", "", "");
protected void save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DbResult _dbRes = new DbResult();
if (!_swiftLib.HasRight(GetFunctionIdByUserType(UpdateKYCFunctionIdAgent, UpdateKYCFunctionId)))
_dbRes.SetError("1", "You are not authorized to Update Data", null);
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, _dbRes.Msg);
var selecteduserId = GetCustomerId();
var kycmethod = ddlMethod.SelectedValue;
var kycstatus = ddlStatus.SelectedValue;
var selecteddate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
var currentuser = GetStatic.GetUser();
var remarkstext = remarks.Text;
var trackNo = trackingNo.Text;
JsonResponse jsonRes = _cd.InsertCustomerKYC(currentuser, selecteduserId, kycmethod, kycstatus, selecteddate, remarkstext, trackNo);
startDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
if (jsonRes.ResponseCode == "0")
CustomerDetails cd = _cd.GetUserDetails(selecteduserId);
List<Mapping> bodyMappings = new List<Mapping>();
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerName", SText = cd.FullName });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "RefCode", SText = cd.MembershipId });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerId", SText = cd.CustomerId.ToString() });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "UserId", SText = cd.MembershipId });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "FirstName", SText = cd.FirstName });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "MiddleName", SText = cd.MiddleName });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "LastName", SText = cd.LastName });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "MobileNo", SText = cd.Mobile });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "Address", SText = cd.Address });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "EMAIL_ID", SText = cd.Email });
bodyMappings.Add(new Mapping() { SValue = "RegisteredDate", SText = cd.RegisteredDate.ToString() });
SendNotificationRequestMobile request = new SendNotificationRequestMobile()
IsBulkNotification = false,
UserName = cd.Email,
ProcessId = "KYC_Verification_Completed",
ProviderId = NotifyTemplate.KYC_VERIFICATION_EMAIL.ToString(),
NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL.ToString(),
Template = NotifyTemplate.KYC_VERIFICATION_EMAIL,
Recipients = new List<RecipientViewModel>()
new RecipientViewModel()
NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() {
Body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyMappings),
//Title will be set by mapping json
Address= cd.Email
NotifierV2.SendNotification(request, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL);
catch (Exception ex)
trackingNo.Text = "";
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, jsonRes.Msg);
string custInfo = selecteduserId + "," + GetCustomerName(selecteduserId);
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "customerDoc", "PopulateAutoComplete('" + custInfo + "')");
//HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = _dbRes;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, jsonRes.Msg);
ddlMethod.SelectedValue = "";
ddlStatus.SelectedValue = "";
HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = jsonRes;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, jsonRes.Msg);
public void LoadGrid()
_grid.FilterList = new List<GridFilter>
new GridFilter("detailTitle", "KYC Method", "1:EXEC proc_customerKYC @flag='dropdownListMethod'"),
new GridFilter("detailTitle", "KYC Status", "1:EXEC proc_customerKYC @flag='dropdownListStatus'"),
//new GridFilter("detailTitle", "KYC Method", "1:EXEC proc_customerKYC @flag='dropdownList'", "", "", true),
//new GridFilter("kycStatus", "kycStatus", "1:" + "EXEC [proc_customerKYC] @flag = 's'"),
////new GridFilter("fromDate", "Registered From", "d"),
//new GridFilter("toDate", "Registered To", "d"),
_grid.ColumnList = new List<GridColumn>
new GridColumn("kycStatus", "KYC Status", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("trackingNo", "Tracking Number", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("details", "Details(old Value:New Value)", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("createdDate", "Modified Date", "", "D"),
new GridColumn("createdBy", "Modified By", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("kycMethod", "Method", "", "T"),
new GridColumn("remarks", "Remarks", "", "T")
_grid.GridType = 1;
_grid.GridDataSource = SwiftGrid.GridDS.RemittanceDB;
_grid.GridName = GridName;
_grid.ShowPagingBar = true;
_grid.AlwaysShowFilterForm = true;
_grid.ShowFilterForm = false;
_grid.RowIdField = "createdDate";
_grid.ThisPage = "List.aspx"; ;
_grid.InputPerRow = 4;
_grid.GridMinWidth = 700;
_grid.GridWidth = 100;
_grid.IsGridWidthInPercent = true;
_grid.AddPage = "Manage.aspx";
_grid.AllowCustomLink = true;
_grid.CustomLinkText = "&nbsp<btn class=\"btn btn-xs btn-danger\" onclick=\"Delete('@rowId','@kycStatus')\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"top\" title=\"Delete\"> <i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i></btn>";
_grid.CustomLinkVariables = "rowId,kycStatus";
_grid.SortOrder = "DESC";
_grid.SortBy = "createdDate";
string sql = "EXEC [proc_customerKYC] @flag = 's', @customerId =" + _sl.FilterString(GetCustomerId());
rpt_grid.InnerHtml = _grid.CreateGrid(sql);
protected string GetCustomerId()
//string customerId= GetStatic.ReadQueryString("customerId", "");
string customerId = hdnCustomerId.Value;
if (customerId == "")
customerId = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("customerId", "");
return customerId;
private void DeleteRow()
string id = _grid.GetCurrentRowId(GridName);
if (id == "")
var user = GetStatic.GetUser();
DbResult dbResult = _cd.DeleteCustomerKYC(id, user);
if (dbResult.ErrorCode == "0")
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, dbResult.Msg);
//HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = dbResult;
HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = dbResult;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, dbResult.Msg);
string customerId = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("customerId", "");
if (customerId != "")
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "Hide Search Div", "HideSearchDiv()");
public string GetFunctionIdByUserType(string functionIdAgent, string functionIdAdmin)
return (GetStatic.GetUserType() == "HO") ? functionIdAdmin : functionIdAgent;
public string GetCustomerName(string custName)
var res = _cd.GetCustomerData(GetStatic.GetUser(), GetCustomerId());
return res["fullName"].ToString();
public string HideSearchDiv()
var hide = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("hideSearchDiv", "").ToString();
if (hide == "true")
displayOnlyOnEdit.Visible = false;
return null;
protected void delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var id = hdnRowId.Value;
DbResult dbResult = _cd.DeleteCustomerKYC(id, GetStatic.GetUser());
if (dbResult.ErrorCode == "0")
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, dbResult.Msg);
//HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = dbResult;
HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = dbResult;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, dbResult.Msg);