You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
5.3 KiB

using Swift.DAL.BL.Remit.Administration;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid;
using Swift.web.Component.Grid.gridHelper;
using Swift.web.Library;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.Administration.CountrySetup
public partial class BankAccounts : System.Web.UI.Page
private const string ViewFunctionId = "20101200";
private const string AddEditFunctionId = "20101210";
private const string DeleteFunctionId = "20101220";
protected const string GridName = "grd_cb";
private readonly SwiftGrid grid = new SwiftGrid();
private readonly CountryDao cb = new CountryDao();
private readonly StaticDataDdl sdd = new StaticDataDdl();
private readonly RemittanceLibrary swiftLibrary = new RemittanceLibrary();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (GetCountryId() > 0)
//Your code goes here
#region Method
protected string GetCountryName()
return "Country : " + swiftLibrary.GetCountryName(GetCountryId().ToString());
protected long GetCountryId()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("countryId");
private void Authenticate()
swiftLibrary.CheckAuthentication(ViewFunctionId + "," + AddEditFunctionId);
private void LoadGrid()
grid.ColumnList = new List<GridColumn>
new GridColumn("bankName", "Bank", "200", "T"),
new GridColumn("accountNumber", "Account", "150", "T"),
new GridColumn("isActive", "Active", "30", "T")
bool allowAddEdit = swiftLibrary.HasRight(AddEditFunctionId);
grid.GridType = 1;
grid.GridDataSource = SwiftGrid.GridDS.RemittanceDB;
grid.GridName = GridName;
grid.ShowFilterForm = false;
grid.ShowPagingBar = false;
grid.GridWidth = 400;
grid.GridMinWidth = 400;
grid.RowIdField = "countryBankId";
grid.ThisPage = "BankAccounts.aspx";
grid.AddPage = "BankAccounts.aspx";
//grid.AllowCustomLink = true;
//var icon = Misc.GetIcon("edit", "OpenInEditMode(@countryBankId)");
//grid.CustomLinkText = icon;
//grid.CustomLinkVariables = "countryBankId";
//grid.SelectionCheckBoxList = grid.GetRowId();
grid.AllowEdit = true;
grid.EditCallBackFunction = "OpenInEditMode";
grid.AllowDelete = swiftLibrary.HasRight(DeleteFunctionId);
grid.PageNumber = 1;
grid.PageSize = -1;
string sql = "EXEC proc_countryBanks @flag = 's', @countryId = " + GetCountryId();
rpt_grid.InnerHtml = grid.CreateGrid(sql);
private void DeleteRow()
var obj = new CountryDao();
string id = grid.GetCurrentRowId(GridName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
DbResult dbResult = obj.CBDelete(GetStatic.GetUser(), id);
#endregion Method
#region Element Method
private void PopulateDataById(string id)
DataRow dr = cb.CBSelectById(GetStatic.GetUser(), id);
if (dr == null)
bankName.Text = dr["bankName"].ToString();
accountNumber.Text = dr["accountNumber"].ToString();
remarks.Text = dr["remarks"].ToString();
isActive.Checked = GetStatic.GetCharToBool(dr["isActive"].ToString());
lblMsg.Text = "";
private void Update()
var countryId = GetCountryId().ToString();
var countryBankId = hddCountryBankId.Value;
var dbResult = cb.CBUpdate(GetStatic.GetUser(), countryBankId, countryId, bankName.Text, accountNumber.Text, remarks.Text, GetStatic.GetBoolToChar(isActive.Checked));
#endregion Element Method
private void ManageMessage(DbResult dbResult)
if (dbResult.ErrorCode == "0")
hddCountryBankId.Value = "";
accountNumber.Text = "";
bankName.Text = "";
remarks.Text = "";
isActive.Checked = false;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(Page, dbResult.Msg);
protected void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string id = hddCountryBankId.Value;
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)