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using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Swift.DAL.GridAutoDemo
public class EmployeeDetailsDao : RemittanceDao
public DbResult EmployeeRegister(EmployeeModel employee)
var sql = "EXEC Pro_EmployeeDetails ";
sql += "@flag=" + FilterString(employee.Flag);
sql += ",@Id =" + FilterString(employee.Id.ToString());
sql += ",@Name =" + FilterString(employee.Name);
sql += ",@Address = " + FilterString(employee.Address);
sql += ",@CompanyJoinDate=" + FilterString(employee.CompanyJoinDate.ToString());
sql += ",@DepartName=" + FilterString(employee.DepartName);
sql += ",@Description=" + FilterString(employee.Description);
sql += ",@DOB=" + FilterString(employee.DOB.ToString());
sql += ",@Email=" + FilterString(employee.Email);
sql += ",@MobileNo=" + FilterString(employee.MobileNo);
sql += ",@WorkDayOnWeek=" + FilterString(employee.WorkDayOnWeek.ToString());
return ParseDbResult(sql);
public DataRow GetEmployeeDetails(string Id)
var sql = "EXEC Pro_EmployeeDetails";
sql += " @Flag ='S'";
sql += ",@Id =" + FilterString(Id);
return ExecuteDataRow(sql);
public DbResult Delete(string id)
var sql = "EXEC Pro_EmployeeDetails";
sql += " @Flag ='D'";
sql += ",@Id =" + FilterString(id);
return ParseDbResult(sql);