You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

239 lines
8.7 KiB

using Swift.DAL.OnlineAgent;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Library;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Swift.web.AgentPanel.OnlineAgent.CustomerControls
public partial class ModifyBank : System.Web.UI.Page
private readonly StaticDataDdl _sdd = new StaticDataDdl();
private readonly OnlineCustomerDao _cd = new OnlineCustomerDao();
private const string ViewFunctionIdAdmin = "20111700";
private const string ViewFunctionIdAgent = "40120200";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
acNameInBank.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
private void Authenticate()
if (GetStatic.GetUserType() == "HO")
protected void PopulateDDL()
_sdd.SetDDL(ref newBank, "EXEC proc_customerBankModify @flag='DDL'", "bankCode", "BankName", "", "Select..");
protected void searchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow _dr = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchValue.Text))
_dr = _cd.GetCustomerDetailForBankUpdate(searchBy.SelectedValue, GetStatic.GetUser(), searchValue.Text);
if (_dr != null)
if (_dr["errorCode"].ToString() == "0")
hideDivSearch.Visible = true;
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hddCustomerId.Value = _dr["customerId"].ToString();
fullName.Text = _dr["fullName"].ToString();
oldAccNumber.Text = _dr["bankAccountNo"].ToString();
alienNationId.Text = _dr["idNumber"].ToString();
oldBank.Text = _dr["BankName"].ToString();
hddHomePhone.Value = _dr["homePhone"].ToString();
hddImageName.Value = _dr["verifyDoc3"].ToString();
if (_dr["verifyDoc3"].ToString() != "")
verfDoc3.ImageUrl = "/AgentPanel/OnlineAgent/CustomerSetup/GetDocumentView.ashx?imageName=" + _dr["verifyDoc3"] + "&idNumber=" + _dr["homePhone"];
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hideDivSearch.Visible = false;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, _dr["msg"].ToString());
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hideDivSearch.Visible = false;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, "No data Found!");
protected void checkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newAccountNumber.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newBank.SelectedValue))
var response = KJBankAPIConnection.GetAccountDetailKJBank(newAccountNumber.Text, newBank.SelectedValue);
if (response.ErrorCode == "0")
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = true;
acNameInBank.Text = response.Msg;
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, "Bank Account Number is wrong, you can not modify the bank details!");
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, "Please input all data first!");
protected void Modify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hddCustomerId.Value) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acNameInBank.Text))
string verDoc4 = UploadDocument(VerificationDoc3, hddHomePhone.Value, 4000);
if (verDoc4 == "invalidSize")
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, "File size exceeded for Passbook. Please upload image of size less than 2mb.");
DbResult _dbRes = new DbResult();
_dbRes = _cd.UpdateCustomerBankDetail(GetStatic.GetUser(), hddCustomerId.Value, newBank.SelectedValue, newAccountNumber.Text, acNameInBank.Text, verDoc4);
if (_dbRes.ErrorCode != "0")
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hideDivSearch.Visible = false;
searchValue.Text = "";
GetStatic.AlertMessage(this, _dbRes.Msg);
//push to kj bank
var dr = _cd.GetCustomerForModification(GetStatic.GetUser(), hddCustomerId.Value);
var obj = new PartnerServiceModificationRequest()
processDivision = "02",
institution = dr["bankCode"].ToString(),
depositor = dr["CustomerBankName"].ToString(),
no = dr["bankAccountNo"].ToString(),
virtualAccountNo = dr["walletAccountNo"].ToString(),
obpId = dr["obpId"].ToString()
obj.depositor = acNameInBank.Text;
_dbRes = SendNotificationToKjBank(obj);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_dbRes.Id))
GetStatic.AlertMessage(Page, "Customer Detail updated");
GetStatic.AlertMessage(Page, "Customer detail not pushed to KJ Bank, please contact HO!");
GetStatic.AlertMessage(Page, "Invalid account details, you can not modify this customer!");
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hideDivSearch.Visible = false;
searchValue.Text = "";
private void ManageSaved()
searchBy.SelectedValue = "idNumber";
searchValue.Text = "";
fullName.Text = "";
alienNationId.Text = "";
oldBank.Text = "";
oldAccNumber.Text = "";
newBank.SelectedValue = "";
newAccountNumber.Text = "";
acNameInBank.Text = "";
verfDoc3.ImageUrl = "";
hiddenDivCheck.Visible = false;
hideDivSearch.Visible = false;
private string UploadDocument(FileUpload doc, string customerId, int prefixNum)
var maxFileSize = GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("csvFileSize", "2097152");
string fName = "";
var fileType = doc.PostedFile.ContentType;
if (fileType == "image/jpeg" || fileType == "image/png" || fileType == "application/pdf")
if (doc.PostedFile.ContentLength > Convert.ToDouble(maxFileSize))
fName = "invalidSize";
string extension = Path.GetExtension(doc.PostedFile.FileName);
string fileName = customerId + "_" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now) + prefixNum.ToString() + extension;
string path = GetStatic.GetAppRoot() + "CustomerDocument\\" + customerId;
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
doc.SaveAs(path + "/" + fileName);
fName = fileName;
fName = "";
catch (Exception ex)
fName = "";
return fName;
public static string GetTimestamp(DateTime value)
var timeValue = value.ToString("hhmmssffffff");
return timeValue + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
private DbResult SendNotificationToKjBank(PartnerServiceModificationRequest obj)
string body = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize((obj));
var resp = KJBankAPIConnection.PostToKJBank(body);
return resp;