You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* Flex Level Popup Menu v1.0
* Created: Dec 27th, 2009 by This notice must stay intact for usage
* Author: Dynamic Drive at
* Visit for full source code
//Version 1.1 (March 5th, 2010): Each flex menu (UL) can now be associated with a link dynamically, and/or defined using JavaScript instead of as markup.
//Version 1.2 (July 1st, 2011): Menu updated to work properly in popular mobile devices such as iPad/iPhone and Android tablets.
//Usage: $(elementselector).addpopupmenu('menuid')
//$('a.mylinks').addpopupmenu('popupmenu1') //apply popup menu with ID "popmenu1" to links with class="mylinks"
var jquerypopupmenu = {
arrowpath: 'arrow.gif', //full URL or path to arrow image
popupmenuoffsets: [0, 0], //additional x and y offset from mouse cursor for popup menus
animspeed: 200, //reveal animation speed (in milliseconds)
showhidedelay: [150, 150], //delay before menu appears and disappears when mouse rolls over it, in milliseconds
startzindex: 1000,
ismobile: navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad)|(iPhone)|(iPod)|(android)|(webOS)/i) != null, //boolean check for popular mobile browsers
builtpopupmenuids: [], //ids of popup menus already built (to prevent repeated building of same popup menu)
positionul: function ($, $ul, e) {
var istoplevel = $ul.hasClass('jqpopupmenu') //Bool indicating whether $ul is top level popup menu DIV
var docrightedge = $(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() - 40 //40 is to account for shadows in FF
var docbottomedge = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - 40
if (istoplevel) { //if main popup menu DIV
var x = e.pageX + this.popupmenuoffsets[0] //x pos of main popup menu UL
var y = e.pageY + this.popupmenuoffsets[1]
x = (x + $'dimensions').w > docrightedge) ? docrightedge - $'dimensions').w : x //if not enough horizontal room to the ridge of the cursor
y = (y + $'dimensions').h > docbottomedge) ? docbottomedge - $'dimensions').h : y
else { //if sub level popup menu UL
var $parentli = $'$parentliref')
var parentlioffset = $parentli.offset()
var x = $'dimensions').parentliw //x pos of sub UL
var y = 0
x = (parentlioffset.left + x + $'dimensions').w > docrightedge) ? x - $'dimensions').parentliw - $'dimensions').w : x //if not enough horizontal room to the ridge parent LI
y = ( + $'dimensions').h > docbottomedge) ? y - $'dimensions').h + $'dimensions').parentlih : y
$ul.css({ left: x, top: y })
showbox: function ($, $popupmenu, e) {
$'timers').showtimer = setTimeout(function () { $ }, this.showhidedelay[0])
hidebox: function ($, $popupmenu) {
$'timers').hidetimer = setTimeout(function () { $popupmenu.hide(100) }, this.showhidedelay[1]) //hide popup menu plus all of its sub ULs
buildpopupmenu: function ($, $menu, $target) {
$menu.css({ display: 'block', visibility: 'hidden', zIndex: this.startzindex }).addClass('jqpopupmenu').appendTo(document.body)
$menu.bind('mouseenter', function () {
$menu.bind('mouseleave', function () { //hide menu when mouse moves out of it
jquerypopupmenu.hidebox($, $menu)
$'dimensions', { w: $menu.outerWidth(), h: $menu.outerHeight() }) //remember main menu's dimensions
$'timers', {})
var $lis = $menu.find("ul").parent() //find all LIs within menu with a sub UL
$lis.each(function (i) {
var $li = $(this).css({ zIndex: 1000 + i })
var $subul = $li.find('ul:eq(0)').css({ display: 'block' }) //set sub UL to "block" so we can get dimensions
$'dimensions', { w: $subul.outerWidth(), h: $subul.outerHeight(), parentliw: this.offsetWidth, parentlih: this.offsetHeight })
$'$parentliref', $li) //cache parent LI of each sub UL
$'timers', {})
$'$subulref', $subul) //cache sub UL of each parent LI
$li.children("a:eq(0)").append( //add arrow images
'<img src="' + jquerypopupmenu.arrowpath + '" class="rightarrowclass" style="border:0;" />'
$li.bind(jquerypopupmenu.triggerevt, function (e) { //show sub UL when mouse moves over parent LI
var $targetul = $(this).css('zIndex', ++jquerypopupmenu.startzindex).addClass("selected").data('$subulref')
if ($targetul.queue().length <= 1) { //if 1 or less queued animations
$'timers').showtimer = setTimeout(function () {
jquerypopupmenu.positionul($, $targetul, e)
}, jquerypopupmenu.showhidedelay[0])
if (jquerypopupmenu.triggerevt == "click" && $('ul').length == 1) //if LI being clicked on is a menu header
return false
$li.bind('mouseleave', function (e) { //hide sub UL when mouse moves out of parent LI
var $targetul = $(this).data('$subulref')
$'timers').hidetimer = setTimeout(function () { $targetul.hide(100).data('$parentliref').removeClass('selected') }, jquerypopupmenu.showhidedelay[1])
$menu.find('ul').andSelf().css({ display: 'none', visibility: 'visible' }) //collapse all ULs again
$'$targetref', $target)
this.builtpopupmenuids.push($menu.get(0).id) //remember id of popup menu that was just built
init: function ($, $target, $popupmenu) {
this.triggerevt = (this.ismobile) ? "click" : "mouseenter"
this.showhidedelay[0] = (this.ismobile) ? 0 : this.showhidedelay[0]
if (this.builtpopupmenuids.length == 0) { //only bind click event to document once
$(document).bind("click", function (e) {
if (e.button == 0) { //hide all popup menus (and their sub ULs) when left mouse button is clicked
if (jQuery.inArray($popupmenu.get(0).id, this.builtpopupmenuids) == -1) //if this popup menu hasn't been built yet
this.buildpopupmenu($, $popupmenu, $target)
if ($target.parents().filter('ul.jqpopupmenu').length > 0) //if $target matches an element within the popup menu markup, don't bind onpopupmenu to that element
$target.bind(jquerypopupmenu.triggerevt, function (e) {
$popupmenu.css('zIndex', ++jquerypopupmenu.startzindex)
jquerypopupmenu.positionul($, $popupmenu, e)
jquerypopupmenu.showbox($, $popupmenu, e)
if (jquerypopupmenu.triggerevt == "click")
$target.bind("mouseleave", function (e) {
jquerypopupmenu.hidebox($, $popupmenu)
jQuery.fn.addpopupmenu = function (popupmenuid) {
var $ = jQuery
return this.each(function () { //return jQuery obj
var $target = $(this)
jquerypopupmenu.init($, $target, $('#' + popupmenuid))
//By default, add popup menu to anchor links with attribute "data-popupmenu"
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var $anchors = $('*[data-popupmenu]')
$anchors.each(function () {
document.getElementById("SelectedMyValue").innerHTML = this.getAttribute('MyValue');
//ddlistmenu: Function to define a UL list menu dynamically
function ddlistmenu(id, className) {
var menu = document.createElement('ul')
if (id) = id
if (className)
menu.className = className = menu
ddlistmenu.prototype = {
addItem: function (url, text, target) {
var li = document.createElement('li')
li.innerHTML = '<a href="' + url + '" target="' + target + '">' + text + '</a>' = li
return this
addSubMenu: function () {
var s = new ddlistmenu(null, null)
return s