You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
5.2 KiB

using System;
using Swift.DAL.BL.Remit.Transaction;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Library;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.Transaction.ApproveTxn
public partial class ModifyField : System.Web.UI.Page
private readonly SwiftLibrary sl = new SwiftLibrary();
private readonly StaticDataDdl sd = new StaticDataDdl();
private readonly ModifyTransactionDao mtd = new ModifyTransactionDao();
private const string ViewFunctionId = "20122800";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
lblOldValue.Text = getOldValue();
if (getFieldName() == "rIdType" || getFieldName() == "relationship")
rptShowOther.Visible = true;
ddlNewValue.Visible = true;
txtNewValue.Visible = false;
txtContactNo.Visible = false;
else if (getFieldName() == "rContactNo" || getFieldName() == "rTelNo")
rptShowOther.Visible = true;
txtNewValue.Visible = false;
txtContactNo.Visible = true;
ddlNewValue.Visible = false;
else if (getFieldName() == "receiverName")
rptName.Visible = true;
rptShowOther.Visible = false;
rptShowOther.Visible = true;
txtNewValue.Visible = true;
ddlNewValue.Visible = false;
txtContactNo.Visible = false;
private void Authenticate()
private void DisplayLabel()
if (getFieldName() == "receiverName")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Name";
else if (getFieldName() == "rIdType")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Id Type";
else if (getFieldName() == "rAddress")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Address";
else if (getFieldName() == "rContactNo")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Contact Number";
else if (getFieldName() == "rTelNo")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Telephone Number";
else if (getFieldName() == "rIdNo")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Id No";
else if (getFieldName() == "relationship")
lblFieldName.Text = "Receiver Relationship With Sender";
private string getFieldName()
return GetStatic.ReadQueryString("fieldName", "");
private string getOldValue()
return GetStatic.ReadQueryString("oldValue", "");
protected long GetTranId()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("tranId");
private void PopulateDll(string fieldName)
if (fieldName == "rIdType")
sd.SetStaticDdl(ref ddlNewValue, "1300", "", "Select");
//sd.SetDDL2(ref ddlNewValue, "EXEC proc_countryIdType @flag = 'il', @countryId=" + sl.FilterString(GetStatic.GetCountryId()) + ", @spFlag = '5202'", "detailTitle", "", "Select");
else if (fieldName == "relationship")
sd.SetStaticDdl(ref ddlNewValue, "2100", "", "Select");
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnUpdate()
var ddlVal = getFieldName() == "relationship" ? ddlNewValue.SelectedItem.Text : getFieldName() == "rIdType" ? ddlNewValue.SelectedItem.Text : ddlNewValue.Text;
DbResult dbResult = mtd.UpdateHoldTransaction(GetStatic.GetUser()
, GetTranId().ToString()
, getFieldName()
, getOldValue()
, txtNewValue.Text
, ddlVal
, txtFirstName.Text
, txtMiddleName.Text
, txtLastName1.Text
, txtLastName2.Text
, txtContactNo.Text
, GetStatic.GetIsApiFlag()
private void ManageMessage(DbResult dbResult)
var mes = GetStatic.ParseResultJsPrint(dbResult);
mes = mes.Replace("<center>", "");
mes = mes.Replace("</center>", "");
var scriptName = "CallBack";
var functionName = "CallBack('" + mes + "');";
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, scriptName, functionName);