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26 KiB

* International Telephone Input v12.1.3
* Licensed under the MIT license
!function (a) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function (b) { a(b, window, document) }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = a(require("jquery"), window, document) : a(jQuery, window, document) }(function (a, b, c, d) { "use strict"; function e(b, c) { this.a = a(b), this.b = a.extend({}, h, c), this.ns = "." + f + g++ , this.d = Boolean(b.setSelectionRange), this.e = Boolean(a(b).attr("placeholder")) } var f = "intlTelInput", g = 1, h = { allowDropdown: 0, autoHideDialCode: !0, autoPlaceholder: "polite", customPlaceholder: null, dropdownContainer: "", excludeCountries: [], formatOnDisplay: !0, geoIpLookup: null, hiddenInput: "", initialCountry: "", nationalMode: !0, onlyCountries: [], placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE", preferredCountries: ["us", "gb"], separateDialCode: !1, utilsScript: "" }, i = { b: 38, c: 40, d: 13, e: 27, f: 43, A: 65, Z: 90, j: 32, k: 9 }, j = ["800", "822", "833", "844", "855", "866", "877", "880", "881", "882", "883", "884", "885", "886", "887", "888", "889"]; a(b).on("load", function () { a.fn[f].windowLoaded = !0 }), e.prototype = { _a: function () { return this.b.nationalMode && (this.b.autoHideDialCode = !1), this.b.separateDialCode && (this.b.autoHideDialCode = this.b.nationalMode = !1), this.g = /Android.+Mobile|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), this.g && (a("body").addClass("iti-mobile"), this.b.dropdownContainer || (this.b.dropdownContainer = "body")), this.h = new a.Deferred, this.i = new a.Deferred, this.s = {}, this._b(), this._f(), this._h(), this._i(), this._i2(), [this.h, this.i] }, _b: function () { this._d(), this._d2(), this._e() }, _c: function (a, b, c) { b in this.q || (this.q[b] = []); var d = c || 0; this.q[b][d] = a }, _d: function () { if (this.b.onlyCountries.length) { var a = (a) { return a.toLowerCase() }); this.p = k.filter(function (b) { return a.indexOf(b.iso2) > -1 }) } else if (this.b.excludeCountries.length) { var b = (a) { return a.toLowerCase() }); this.p = k.filter(function (a) { return b.indexOf(a.iso2) === -1 }) } else this.p = k }, _d2: function () { this.q = {}; for (var a = 0; a < this.p.length; a++) { var b = this.p[a]; if (this._c(b.iso2, b.dialCode, b.priority), b.areaCodes) for (var c = 0; c < b.areaCodes.length; c++)this._c(b.iso2, b.dialCode + b.areaCodes[c]) } }, _e: function () { this.preferredCountries = []; for (var a = 0; a < this.b.preferredCountries.length; a++) { var b = this.b.preferredCountries[a].toLowerCase(), c = this._y(b, !1, !0); c && this.preferredCountries.push(c) } }, _f: function () { this.a.attr("autocomplete", "off"); var b = "intl-tel-input"; this.b.allowDropdown && (b += " allow-dropdown"), this.b.separateDialCode && (b += " separate-dial-code"), this.a.wrap(a("<div>", { "class": b })), this.k = a("<div>", { "class": "flag-container" }).insertBefore(this.a); var c = a("<div>", { "class": "selected-flag" }); c.appendTo(this.k), this.l = a("<div>", { "class": "iti-flag" }).appendTo(c), this.b.separateDialCode && (this.t = a("<div>", { "class": "selected-dial-code" }).appendTo(c)), this.b.allowDropdown ? (c.attr("tabindex", "0"), a("<div>", { "class": "iti-arrow" }).appendTo(c), this.m = a("<ul>", { "class": "country-list hide" }), this.preferredCountries.length && (this._g(this.preferredCountries, "preferred"), a("<li>", { "class": "divider" }).appendTo(this.m)), this._g(this.p, ""), this.o = this.m.children(".country"), this.b.dropdownContainer ? this.dropdown = a("<div>", { "class": "intl-tel-input iti-container" }).append(this.m) : this.m.appendTo(this.k)) : this.o = a(), this.b.hiddenInput && (this.hiddenInput = a("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: this.b.hiddenInput }).insertBefore(this.a)) }, _g: function (a, b) { for (var c = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d++) { var e = a[d]; c += "<li class='country " + b + "' data-dial-code='" + e.dialCode + "' data-country-code='" + e.iso2 + "'>", c += "<div class='flag-box'><div class='iti-flag " + e.iso2 + "'></div></div>", c += "<span class='country-name'>" + + "</span>", c += "<span class='dial-code'>+" + e.dialCode + "</span>", c += "</li>" } this.m.append(c) }, _h: function () { var a = this.a.val(); this._af(a) && (!this._isRegionlessNanp(a) || this.b.nationalMode && !this.b.initialCountry) ? this._v(a) : "auto" !== this.b.initialCountry && (this.b.initialCountry ? this._z(this.b.initialCountry.toLowerCase()) : (this.j = this.preferredCountries.length ? this.preferredCountries[0].iso2 : this.p[0].iso2, a || this._z(this.j)), a || this.b.nationalMode || this.b.autoHideDialCode || this.b.separateDialCode || this.a.val("+" + this.s.dialCode)), a && this._u(a) }, _i: function () { this._j(), this.b.autoHideDialCode && this._l(), this.b.allowDropdown && this._i1(), this.hiddenInput && this._initHiddenInputListener() }, _initHiddenInputListener: function () { var a = this, b = this.a.closest("form"); b.length && b.submit(function () { a.hiddenInput.val(a.getNumber()) }) }, _i1: function () { var a = this, b = this.a.closest("label"); b.length && b.on("click" + this.ns, function (b) { a.m.hasClass("hide") ? a.a.focus() : b.preventDefault() }), this.l.parent().on("click" + this.ns, function (b) { !a.m.hasClass("hide") || a.a.prop("disabled") || a.a.prop("readonly") || a._n() }), this.k.on("keydown" + a.ns, function (b) { !a.m.hasClass("hide") || b.which != i.b && b.which != i.c && b.which != i.j && b.which != i.d || (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a._n()), b.which == i.k && a._ac() }) }, _i2: function () { var c = this; this.b.utilsScript ? a.fn[f].windowLoaded ? a.fn[f].loadUtils(this.b.utilsScript, this.i) : a(b).on("load", function () { a.fn[f].loadUtils(c.b.utilsScript, c.i) }) : this.i.resolve(), "auto" === this.b.initialCountry ? this._i3() : this.h.resolve() }, _i3: function () { a.fn[f].autoCountry ? this.handleAutoCountry() : a.fn[f].startedLoadingAutoCountry || (a.fn[f].startedLoadingAutoCountry = !0, "function" == typeof this.b.geoIpLookup && this.b.geoIpLookup(function (b) { a.fn[f].autoCountry = b.toLowerCase(), setTimeout(function () { a(".intl-tel-input input").intlTelInput("handleAutoCountry") }) })) }, _j: function () { var a = this; this.a.on("keyup" + this.ns, function () { a._v(a.a.val()) && a._triggerCountryChange() }), this.a.on("cut" + this.ns + " paste" + this.ns, function () { setTimeout(function () { a._v(a.a.val()) && a._triggerCountryChange() }) }) }, _j2: function (a) { var b = this.a.attr("maxlength"); return b && a.length > b ? a.substr(0, b) : a }, _l: function () { var b = this; this.a.on("mousedown" + this.ns, function (a) {":focus") || b.a.val() || (a.preventDefault(), b.a.focus()) }), this.a.on("focus" + this.ns, function (a) { b.a.val() || b.a.prop("readonly") || !b.s.dialCode || (b.a.val("+" + b.s.dialCode),"" + b.ns, function (a) { a.which == i.f && b.a.val("") }), setTimeout(function () { var a = b.a[0]; if (b.d) { var c = b.a.val().length; a.setSelectionRange(c, c) } })) }); var c = this.a.prop("form"); c && a(c).on("submit" + this.ns, function () { b._removeEmptyDialCode() }), this.a.on("blur" + this.ns, function () { b._removeEmptyDialCode() }) }, _removeEmptyDialCode: function () { var a = this.a.val(); if ("+" == a.charAt(0)) { var b = this._m(a); b && this.s.dialCode != b || this.a.val("") }"" + this.ns) }, _m: function (a) { return a.replace(/\D/g, "") }, _n: function () { this._o(); var a = this.m.children(".active"); a.length && (this._x(a), this._ad(a)), this._p(), this.l.children(".iti-arrow").addClass("up"), this.a.trigger("open:countrydropdown") }, _o: function () { var c = this; if (this.b.dropdownContainer && this.dropdown.appendTo(this.b.dropdownContainer), this.n = this.m.removeClass("hide").outerHeight(), !this.g) { var d = this.a.offset(), e =, f = a(b).scrollTop(), g = e + this.a.outerHeight() + this.n < f + a(b).height(), h = e - this.n > f; if (this.m.toggleClass("dropup", !g && h), this.b.dropdownContainer) { var i = !g && h ? 0 : this.a.innerHeight(); this.dropdown.css({ top: e + i, left: d.left }), a(b).on("scroll" + this.ns, function () { c._ac() }) } } }, _p: function () { var b = this; this.m.on("mouseover" + this.ns, ".country", function (c) { b._x(a(this)) }), this.m.on("click" + this.ns, ".country", function (c) { b._ab(a(this)) }); var d = !0; a("html").on("click" + this.ns, function (a) { d || b._ac(), d = !1 }); var e = "", f = null; a(c).on("keydown" + this.ns, function (a) { a.preventDefault(), a.which == i.b || a.which == i.c ? b._q(a.which) : a.which == i.d ? b._r() : a.which == i.e ? b._ac() : (a.which >= i.A && a.which <= i.Z || a.which == i.j) && (f && clearTimeout(f), e += String.fromCharCode(a.which), b._s(e), f = setTimeout(function () { e = "" }, 1e3)) }) }, _q: function (a) { var b = this.m.children(".highlight").first(), c = a == i.b ? b.prev() :; c.length && (c.hasClass("divider") && (c = a == i.b ? c.prev() :, this._x(c), this._ad(c)) }, _r: function () { var a = this.m.children(".highlight").first(); a.length && this._ab(a) }, _s: function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < this.p.length; b++)if (this._t(this.p[b].name, a)) { var c = this.m.children("[data-country-code=" + this.p[b].iso2 + "]").not(".preferred"); this._x(c), this._ad(c, !0); break } }, _t: function (a, b) { return a.substr(0, b.length).toUpperCase() == b }, _u: function (a) { if (this.b.formatOnDisplay && b.intlTelInputUtils && this.s) { var c = this.b.separateDialCode || !this.b.nationalMode && "+" == a.charAt(0) ? intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat.INTERNATIONAL : intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat.NATIONAL; a = intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(a, this.s.iso2, c) } a = this._ah(a), this.a.val(a) }, _v: function (b) { b && this.b.nationalMode && "1" == this.s.dialCode && "+" != b.charAt(0) && ("1" != b.charAt(0) && (b = "1" + b), b = "+" + b); var c = this._af(b), d = null, e = this._m(b); if (c) { var f = this.q[this._m(c)], g = a.inArray(this.s.iso2, f) > -1, h = "+1" == c && e.length >= 4; if ((!("1" == this.s.dialCode) || !this._isRegionlessNanp(e)) && (!g || h)) for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++)if (f[i]) { d = f[i]; break } } else "+" == b.charAt(0) && e.length ? d = "" : b && "+" != b || (d = this.j); return null !== d && this._z(d) }, _isRegionlessNanp: function (b) { var c = this._m(b); if ("1" == c.charAt(0)) { var d = c.substr(1, 3); return a.inArray(d, j) > -1 } return !1 }, _x: function (a) { this.o.removeClass("highlight"), a.addClass("highlight") }, _y: function (a, b, c) { for (var d = b ? k : this.p, e = 0; e < d.length; e++)if (d[e].iso2 == a) return d[e]; if (c) return null; throw new Error("No country data for '" + a + "'") }, _z: function (a) { var b = this.s.iso2 ? this.s : {}; this.s = a ? this._y(a, !1, !1) : {}, this.s.iso2 && (this.j = this.s.iso2), this.l.attr("class", "iti-flag " + a); var c = a ? + ": +" + this.s.dialCode : "Unknown"; if (this.l.parent().attr("title", c), this.b.separateDialCode) { var d = this.s.dialCode ? "+" + this.s.dialCode : "", e = this.a.parent(); b.dialCode && e.removeClass("iti-sdc-" + (b.dialCode.length + 1)), d && e.addClass("iti-sdc-" + d.length), this.t.text(d) } return this._aa(), this.o.removeClass("active"), a && this.o.find(".iti-flag." + a).first().closest(".country").addClass("active"), b.iso2 !== a }, _aa: function () { var a = "aggressive" === this.b.autoPlaceholder || !this.e && (this.b.autoPlaceholder === !0 || "polite" === this.b.autoPlaceholder); if (b.intlTelInputUtils && a) { var c = intlTelInputUtils.numberType[this.b.placeholderNumberType], d = this.s.iso2 ? intlTelInputUtils.getExampleNumber(this.s.iso2, this.b.nationalMode, c) : ""; d = this._ah(d), "function" == typeof this.b.customPlaceholder && (d = this.b.customPlaceholder(d, this.s)), this.a.attr("placeholder", d) } }, _ab: function (a) { var b = this._z(a.attr("data-country-code")); if (this._ac(), this._ae(a.attr("data-dial-code"), !0), this.a.focus(), this.d) { var c = this.a.val().length; this.a[0].setSelectionRange(c, c) } b && this._triggerCountryChange() }, _ac: function () { this.m.addClass("hide"), this.l.children(".iti-arrow").removeClass("up"), a(c).off(this.ns), a("html").off(this.ns),, this.b.dropdownContainer && (this.g || a(b).off("scroll" + this.ns), this.dropdown.detach()), this.a.trigger("close:countrydropdown") }, _ad: function (a, b) { var c = this.m, d = c.height(), e = c.offset().top, f = e + d, g = a.outerHeight(), h = a.offset().top, i = h + g, j = h - e + c.scrollTop(), k = d / 2 - g / 2; if (h < e) b && (j -= k), c.scrollTop(j); else if (i > f) { b && (j += k); var l = d - g; c.scrollTop(j - l) } }, _ae: function (a, b) { var c, d = this.a.val(); if (a = "+" + a, "+" == d.charAt(0)) { var e = this._af(d); c = e ? d.replace(e, a) : a } else { if (this.b.nationalMode || this.b.separateDialCode) return; if (d) c = a + d; else { if (!b && this.b.autoHideDialCode) return; c = a } } this.a.val(c) }, _af: function (b) { var c = ""; if ("+" == b.charAt(0)) for (var d = "", e = 0; e < b.length; e++) { var f = b.charAt(e); if (a.isNumeric(f) && (d += f, this.q[d] && (c = b.substr(0, e + 1)), 4 == d.length)) break } return c }, _ag: function () { var b, c = a.trim(this.a.val()), d = this.s.dialCode, e = this._m(c), f = "1" == e.charAt(0) ? e : "1" + e; return b = this.b.separateDialCode ? "+" + d : "+" != c.charAt(0) && "1" != c.charAt(0) && d && "1" == d.charAt(0) && 4 == d.length && d != f.substr(0, 4) ? d.substr(1) : "", b + c }, _ah: function (a) { if (this.b.separateDialCode) { var b = this._af(a); if (b) { null !== this.s.areaCodes && (b = "+" + this.s.dialCode); var c = " " === a[b.length] || "-" === a[b.length] ? b.length + 1 : b.length; a = a.substr(c) } } return this._j2(a) }, _triggerCountryChange: function () { this.a.trigger("countrychange", this.s) }, handleAutoCountry: function () { "auto" === this.b.initialCountry && (this.j = a.fn[f].autoCountry, this.a.val() || this.setCountry(this.j), this.h.resolve()) }, handleUtils: function () { b.intlTelInputUtils && (this.a.val() && this._u(this.a.val()), this._aa()), this.i.resolve() }, destroy: function () { if (this.allowDropdown && (this._ac(), this.l.parent().off(this.ns), this.a.closest("label").off(this.ns)), this.b.autoHideDialCode) { var b = this.a.prop("form"); b && a(b).off(this.ns) }, this.a.parent().before(this.a).remove() }, getExtension: function () { return b.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.getExtension(this._ag(), this.s.iso2) : "" }, getNumber: function (a) { return b.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(this._ag(), this.s.iso2, a) : "" }, getNumberType: function () { return b.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.getNumberType(this._ag(), this.s.iso2) : -99 }, getSelectedCountryData: function () { return this.s }, getValidationError: function () { return b.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.getValidationError(this._ag(), this.s.iso2) : -99 }, isValidNumber: function () { var c = a.trim(this._ag()), d = this.b.nationalMode ? this.s.iso2 : ""; return b.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.isValidNumber(c, d) : null }, setCountry: function (a) { a = a.toLowerCase(), this.l.hasClass(a) || (this._z(a), this._ae(this.s.dialCode, !1), this._triggerCountryChange()) }, setNumber: function (a) { var b = this._v(a); this._u(a), b && this._triggerCountryChange() }, setPlaceholderNumberType: function (a) { this.b.placeholderNumberType = a, this._aa() } }, a.fn[f] = function (b) { var c = arguments; if (b === d || "object" == typeof b) { var g = []; return this.each(function () { if (!, "plugin_" + f)) { var c = new e(this, b), d = c._a(); g.push(d[0]), g.push(d[1]),, "plugin_" + f, c) } }), a.when.apply(null, g) } if ("string" == typeof b && "_" !== b[0]) { var h; return this.each(function () { var d =, "plugin_" + f); d instanceof e && "function" == typeof d[b] && (h = d[b].apply(d,, 1))), "destroy" === b &&, "plugin_" + f, null) }), h !== d ? h : this } }, a.fn[f].getCountryData = function () { return k }, a.fn[f].loadUtils = function (b, c) { a.fn[f].loadedUtilsScript ? c && c.resolve() : (a.fn[f].loadedUtilsScript = !0, a.ajax({ type: "GET", url: b, complete: function () { a(".intl-tel-input input").intlTelInput("handleUtils") }, dataType: "script", cache: !0 })) }, a.fn[f].defaults = h, a.fn[f].version = "12.1.3"; for (var k = [["Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎)", "af", "93"], ["Albania (Shqipëri)", "al", "355"], ["Algeria (‫الجزائر‬‎)", "dz", "213"], ["American Samoa", "as", "1684"], ["Andorra", "ad", "376"], ["Angola", "ao", "244"], ["Anguilla", "ai", "1264"], ["Antigua and Barbuda", "ag", "1268"], ["Argentina", "ar", "54"], ["Armenia (Հայաստան)", "am", "374"], ["Aruba", "aw", "297"], ["Australia", "au", "61", 0], ["Austria (Österreich)", "at", "43"], ["Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)", "az", "994"], ["Bahamas", "bs", "1242"], ["Bahrain (‫البحرين‬‎)", "bh", "973"], ["Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)", "bd", "880"], ["Barbados", "bb", "1246"], ["Belarus (Беларусь)", "by", "375"], ["Belgium (België)", "be", "32"], ["Belize", "bz", "501"], ["Benin (Bénin)", "bj", "229"], ["Bermuda", "bm", "1441"], ["Bhutan (འབྲུག)", "bt", "975"], ["Bolivia", "bo", "591"], ["Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина)", "ba", "387"], ["Botswana", "bw", "267"], ["Brazil (Brasil)", "br", "55"], ["British Indian Ocean Territory", "io", "246"], ["British Virgin Islands", "vg", "1284"], ["Brunei", "bn", "673"], ["Bulgaria (България)", "bg", "359"], ["Burkina Faso", "bf", "226"], ["Burundi (Uburundi)", "bi", "257"], ["Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)", "kh", "855"], ["Cameroon (Cameroun)", "cm", "237"], ["Canada", "ca", "1", 1, ["204", "226", "236", "249", "250", "289", "306", "343", "365", "387", "403", "416", "418", "431", "437", "438", "450", "506", "514", "519", "548", "579", "581", "587", "604", "613", "639", "647", "672", "705", "709", "742", "778", "780", "782", "807", "819", "825", "867", "873", "902", "905"]], ["Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)", "cv", "238"], ["Caribbean Netherlands", "bq", "599", 1], ["Cayman Islands", "ky", "1345"], ["Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)", "cf", "236"], ["Chad (Tchad)", "td", "235"], ["Chile", "cl", "56"], ["China (中国)", "cn", "86"], ["Christmas Island", "cx", "61", 2], ["Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "cc", "61", 1], ["Colombia", "co", "57"], ["Comoros (‫جزر القمر‬‎)", "km", "269"], ["Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)", "cd", "243"], ["Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)", "cg", "242"], ["Cook Islands", "ck", "682"], ["Costa Rica", "cr", "506"], ["Côte d’Ivoire", "ci", "225"], ["Croatia (Hrvatska)", "hr", "385"], ["Cuba", "cu", "53"], ["Curaçao", "cw", "599", 0], ["Cyprus (Κύπρος)", "cy", "357"], ["Czech Republic (Česká republika)", "cz", "420"], ["Denmark (Danmark)", "dk", "45"], ["Djibouti", "dj", "253"], ["Dominica", "dm", "1767"], ["Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)", "do", "1", 2, ["809", "829", "849"]], ["Ecuador", "ec", "593"], ["Egypt (‫مصر‬‎)", "eg", "20"], ["El Salvador", "sv", "503"], ["Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)", "gq", "240"], ["Eritrea", "er", "291"], ["Estonia (Eesti)", "ee", "372"], ["Ethiopia", "et", "251"], ["Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)", "fk", "500"], ["Faroe Islands (Føroyar)", "fo", "298"], ["Fiji", "fj", "679"], ["Finland (Suomi)", "fi", "358", 0], ["France", "fr", "33"], ["French Guiana (Guyane française)", "gf", "594"], ["French Polynesia (Polynésie française)", "pf", "689"], ["Gabon", "ga", "241"], ["Gambia", "gm", "220"], ["Georgia (საქართველო)", "ge", "995"], ["Germany (Deutschland)", "de", "49"], ["Ghana (Gaana)", "gh", "233"], ["Gibraltar", "gi", "350"], ["Greece (Ελλάδα)", "gr", "30"], ["Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)", "gl", "299"], ["Grenada", "gd", "1473"], ["Guadeloupe", "gp", "590", 0], ["Guam", "gu", "1671"], ["Guatemala", "gt", "502"], ["Guernsey", "gg", "44", 1], ["Guinea (Guinée)", "gn", "224"], ["Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)", "gw", "245"], ["Guyana", "gy", "592"], ["Haiti", "ht", "509"], ["Honduras", "hn", "504"], ["Hong Kong (香港)", "hk", "852"], ["Hungary (Magyarország)", "hu", "36"], ["Iceland (Ísland)", "is", "354"], ["India (भारत)", "in", "91"], ["Indonesia", "id", "62"], ["Iran (‫ایران‬‎)", "ir", "98"], ["Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)", "iq", "964"], ["Ireland", "ie", "353"], ["Isle of Man", "im", "44", 2], ["Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)", "il", "972"], ["Italy (Italia)", "it", "39", 0], ["Jamaica", "jm", "1876"], ["Japan (日本)", "jp", "81"], ["Jersey", "je", "44", 3], ["Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)", "jo", "962"], ["Kazakhstan (Казахстан)", "kz", "7", 1], ["Kenya", "ke", "254"], ["Kiribati", "ki", "686"], ["Kosovo", "xk", "383"], ["Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)", "kw", "965"], ["Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)", "kg", "996"], ["Laos (ລາວ)", "la", "856"], ["Latvia (Latvija)", "lv", "371"], ["Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)", "lb", "961"], ["Lesotho", "ls", "266"], ["Liberia", "lr", "231"], ["Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)", "ly", "218"], ["Liechtenstein", "li", "423"], ["Lithuania (Lietuva)", "lt", "370"], ["Luxembourg", "lu", "352"], ["Macau (澳門)", "mo", "853"], ["Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)", "mk", "389"], ["Madagascar (Madagasikara)", "mg", "261"], ["Malawi", "mw", "265"], ["Malaysia", "my", "60"], ["Maldives", "mv", "960"], ["Mali", "ml", "223"], ["Malta", "mt", "356"], ["Marshall Islands", "mh", "692"], ["Martinique", "mq", "596"], ["Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)", "mr", "222"], ["Mauritius (Moris)", "mu", "230"], ["Mayotte", "yt", "262", 1], ["Mexico (México)", "mx", "52"], ["Micronesia", "fm", "691"], ["Moldova (Republica Moldova)", "md", "373"], ["Monaco", "mc", "377"], ["Mongolia (Монгол)", "mn", "976"], ["Montenegro (Crna Gora)", "me", "382"], ["Montserrat", "ms", "1664"], ["Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)", "ma", "212", 0], ["Mozambique (Moçambique)", "mz", "258"], ["Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)", "mm", "95"], ["Namibia (Namibië)", "na", "264"], ["Nauru", "nr", "674"], ["Nepal (नेपाल)", "np", "977"], ["Netherlands (Nederland)", "nl", "31"], ["New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)", "nc", "687"], ["New Zealand", "nz", "64"], ["Nicaragua", "ni", "505"], ["Niger (Nijar)", "ne", "227"], ["Nigeria", "ng", "234"], ["Niue", "nu", "683"], ["Norfolk Island", "nf", "672"], ["North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)", "kp", "850"], ["Northern Mariana Islands", "mp", "1670"], ["Norway (Norge)", "no", "47", 0], ["Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)", "om", "968"], ["Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)", "pk", "92"], ["Palau", "pw", "680"], ["Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)", "ps", "970"], ["Panama (Panamá)", "pa", "507"], ["Papua New Guinea", "pg", "675"], ["Paraguay", "py", "595"], ["Peru (Perú)", "pe", "51"], ["Philippines", "ph", "63"], ["Poland (Polska)", "pl", "48"], ["Portugal", "pt", "351"], ["Puerto Rico", "pr", "1", 3, ["787", "939"]], ["Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)", "qa", "974"], ["Réunion (La Réunion)", "re", "262", 0], ["Romania (România)", "ro", "40"], ["Russia (Россия)", "ru", "7", 0], ["Rwanda", "rw", "250"], ["Saint Barthélemy", "bl", "590", 1], ["Saint Helena", "sh", "290"], ["Saint Kitts and Nevis", "kn", "1869"], ["Saint Lucia", "lc", "1758"], ["Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))", "mf", "590", 2], ["Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)", "pm", "508"], ["Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "vc", "1784"], ["Samoa", "ws", "685"], ["San Marino", "sm", "378"], ["São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)", "st", "239"], ["Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)", "sa", "966"], ["Senegal (Sénégal)", "sn", "221"], ["Serbia (Србија)", "rs", "381"], ["Seychelles", "sc", "248"], ["Sierra Leone", "sl", "232"], ["Singapore", "sg", "65"], ["Sint Maarten", "sx", "1721"], ["Slovakia (Slovensko)", "sk", "421"], ["Slovenia (Slovenija)", "si", "386"], ["Solomon Islands", "sb", "677"], ["Somalia (Soomaaliya)", "so", "252"], ["South Africa", "za", "27"], ["South Korea (대한민국)", "kr", "82"], ["South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)", "ss", "211"], ["Spain (España)", "es", "34"], ["Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)", "lk", "94"], ["Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)", "sd", "249"], ["Suriname", "sr", "597"], ["Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sj", "47", 1], ["Swaziland", "sz", "268"], ["Sweden (Sverige)", "se", "46"], ["Switzerland (Schweiz)", "ch", "41"], ["Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)", "sy", "963"], ["Taiwan (台灣)", "tw", "886"], ["Tajikistan", "tj", "992"], ["Tanzania", "tz", "255"], ["Thailand (ไทย)", "th", "66"], ["Timor-Leste", "tl", "670"], ["Togo", "tg", "228"], ["Tokelau", "tk", "690"], ["Tonga", "to", "676"], ["Trinidad and Tobago", "tt", "1868"], ["Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)", "tn", "216"], ["Turkey (Türkiye)", "tr", "90"], ["Turkmenistan", "tm", "993"], ["Turks and Caicos Islands", "tc", "1649"], ["Tuvalu", "tv", "688"], ["U.S. Virgin Islands", "vi", "1340"], ["Uganda", "ug", "256"], ["Ukraine (Україна)", "ua", "380"], ["United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)", "ae", "971"], ["United Kingdom", "gb", "44", 0], ["United States", "us", "1", 0], ["Uruguay", "uy", "598"], ["Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)", "uz", "998"], ["Vanuatu", "vu", "678"], ["Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)", "va", "39", 1], ["Venezuela", "ve", "58"], ["Vietnam (Việt Nam)", "vn", "84"], ["Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)", "wf", "681"], ["Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)", "eh", "212", 1], ["Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)", "ye", "967"], ["Zambia", "zm", "260"], ["Zimbabwe", "zw", "263"], ["Åland Islands", "ax", "358", 1]], l = 0; l < k.length; l++) { var m = k[l]; k[l] = { name: m[0], iso2: m[1], dialCode: m[2], priority: m[3] || 0, areaCodes: m[4] || null } } });