You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var SF = function () {
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var a = Array.prototype.indexOf; return "function" === a ? function (e, b) {
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{ opacity: .5, background: "#000" })).onClick(function () { a("overlayClose", !0) && b() })
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var c = a("width", "auto"); "number" === typeof c && (c = "" + c + "px"); return e.div().clazz("pico-content").clazz(a("modalClass", "")).stylize({ display: "block", position: "fixed", zIndex: 10001, left: "50%", top: "50px", width: c, "-ms-transform": "translateX(-50%)", "-moz-transform": "translateX(-50%)", "-webkit-transform": "translateX(-50%)", "-o-transform": "translateX(-50%)", transform: "translateX(-50%)" }).stylize(a("modalStyles",
{ backgroundColor: "white", padding: "20px", borderRadius: "5px" })).html(a("content")).attr("role", "dialog").onClick(function (a) { (new e( (a) { return /\bpico-close\b/.test(a.elem.className) }) && b() })
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function r(a) { if (!t) { var c = n(e, q), b = f(e, q), d; d = e("closeButton", !0) ? c.child().html(e("closeHtml", "\x26#xD7;")).clazz("pico-close").clazz(e("closeClass")).stylize(e("closeStyles", { borderRadius: "2px", cursor: "pointer", height: "15px", width: "15px", position: "absolute", top: "5px", right: "5px", fontSize: "16px", textAlign: "center", lineHeight: "15px", background: "#CCC" })) : void 0; t = { modal: c, overlay: b, close: d }; x.trigger(h) } return t[a] } if ("string" === typeof c || b(c)) c = { content: c }; var x = a(), y = a(), z = a(), w = a(), v = a(), t, m = r.bind(d,
"modal"), l = r.bind(d, "overlay"), u = r.bind(d, "close"), h = { modalElem: p(m), closeElem: p(u), overlayElem: p(l), show: function () { y.trigger(h) && (l().show(), u(), m().show(), z.trigger(h)); return this }, close: g(q), forceClose: g(k), destroy: function () { m = m().destroy(); l = l().destroy(); u = void 0 }, options: function (a) { c = a }, afterCreate: g(, beforeShow: g(, afterShow: g(, beforeClose: g(, afterClose: g( }; return h
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child: function () { return e.div(this.elem) }, stylize: function (a) { a = a || {}; "undefined" !== typeof a.opacity && (a.filter = "alpha(opacity\x3d" + 100 * a.opacity + ")"); for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && ([b] = a[b]); return this }, clazz: function (a) { this.elem.className += " " + a; return this }, html: function (a) { b(a) ? this.elem.appendChild(a) : this.elem.innerHTML = a; return this }, onClick: function (a) { this.elem.addEventListener("click", a); return this }, destroy: function () { c.body.removeChild(this.elem) }, hide: function () { =
}, show: function () { = "block" }, attr: function (a, b) { this.elem.setAttribute(a, b); return this }, anyAncestor: function (a) { for (var b = this.elem; b;) { if (a(new e(b))) return !0; b = b.parentNode } return !1 }
}; "function" === typeof d.define && d.define.amd ? d.define(function () { return k }) : d.picoModal = k
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