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2067 lines
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using Swift.DAL.Remittance;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.SwiftSystem.UserManagement.ApplicationUserPool;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
//using Swift.DAL.BL.Remit.Transaction.MoneyGram;
namespace Swift.web.Library.Remittance
public static class RemittanceStatic
public static MoneyGramDao GetMoneyGramInstance()
MoneyGramDao md = new MoneyGramDao();
md.SetCredential(GetPointCode(), GetUserLogin(), GetUserPassword());
return md;
public static MoneyGramDao GetMoneyGramInstance(string branchId)
MoneyGramDao md = new MoneyGramDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_ws_moneyGramUtility @flag='pointcode'";
sql += ", @branchId=" + md.FilterString(branchId);
sql += ", @userType=" + md.FilterString(GetUserType());
var dr = md.ParseDbResult(sql);
var pointCode = dr.ErrorCode;
var userLogin = dr.Msg;
var userPassword = dr.Id;
md.SetCredential(pointCode, userLogin, userPassword);
return md;
public static string ParseXmlData(string data)
return SecurityElement.Escape(data);
public static string GetPointCode()
return ReadSession("mgPointCode", "");
public static string GetUserLogin()
return ReadSession("mgUserLogin", "");
public static string GetUserPassword()
return ReadSession("mgUserPassword", "");
public static string RemoveAllTags(string html)
var loop = true;
var pFrom = 0;
var pTo = 0;
var refined = html;
while (loop)
pFrom = refined.IndexOf("<");
pTo = refined.IndexOf(">");
var t = refined.Substring(pFrom, pTo + 1 - pFrom);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t))
return refined.Trim();
refined = refined.Replace(t, "");
loop = refined.Contains("<") || refined.Contains(">");
return refined.Trim();
public static string CalculateMD5Hash(string input)
// step 1, calculate MD5 hash from input
MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
// step 2, convert byte array to hex string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
public static bool HasOnlyDigit(string value)
var pattern = "0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
if (!pattern.Contains(value.Substring(i, 1)))
return false;
return true;
public static string GetDateInC2CFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
public static string GetDateInMGFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy 00:00:00");
public static DbResult LogError(HttpException lastError, string page, string referer = "")
Exception err = lastError;
if (lastError.InnerException != null)
err = lastError.InnerException;
var db = new SwiftDao();
var errPage = db.FilterString(page);
var errMsg = db.FilterString(err.Message);
var errDetails = db.FilterString(lastError.GetHtmlErrorMessage());
var user = GetUser();
var ipAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
var dcIdNo = HttpContext.Current.Request.ClientCertificate["SERIALNUMBER"];
var dcUserName = HttpContext.Current.Request.ClientCertificate["SUBJECTCN"];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user))
user = ipAddress;
string sql = string.Format(@"EXEC proc_ErrorLogs @flag = 'i'
,@errorPage={0}, @errorMsg={1}, @errorDetails={2}, @user = {3}, @referer={4}, @ipAddress={5}, @dcUserName={6}, @dcIdNo={7}",
errPage, errMsg, errDetails, db.FilterString(user), db.FilterString(referer), db.FilterString(ipAddress), db.FilterString(dcUserName), db.FilterString(dcIdNo));
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
public static DbResult GetResultInDbResultFormat(string sql)
var db = new SwiftDao();
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
public static string GetSingleResult(string sql)
var db = new SwiftDao();
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static double RoundOff(double num, int place, int currDecimal)
if (currDecimal != 0)
return Math.Round(num, currDecimal);
else if (place != 0)
return (Math.Round(num / place)) * place;
return Math.Round(num, 0);
public static double RoundDecimal(double num, int currDecimal)
return Math.Round(num, currDecimal);
public static Boolean IsNumeric(string stringToTest)
int result;
return int.TryParse(stringToTest, out result);
public static string ShowVoucherType(string vType)
var voucher = "";
if (vType == "j")
voucher = "Journal Voucher";
else if (vType == "c")
voucher = "Contra Voucher";
else if (vType == "r")
voucher = "Receipt Voucher";
else if (vType == "y")
voucher = "Payment Voucher";
voucher = "Voucher Type not defined";
return voucher;
#region Userpool
public static LoggedInUser GetLoggedInUser()
var userPool = UserPool.GetInstance();
return userPool.GetUser(GetUser());
public static string GetAgentId()
return GetBranch();
public static string GetAgentType()
return GetLoggedInUser().AgentType;
public static string GetActAsBranchFlag()
return GetLoggedInUser().IsActAsBranch;
* */
public static string GetUserDateTime()
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_MatrixReport @flag = 'udt', @user = '" + GetUser() + "'";
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetAgentNameByMapCodeInt(string mapCodeInt)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "SELECT agent_name FROM FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.agentTable with(nolock) where map_code = '" + mapCodeInt + "'";
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetScRefund(string tranId)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "SELECT dbo.ShowDecimalExceptComma(ISNULL(scRefund,0)) FROM tranCancelrequest WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId=" + tranId + "";
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetTellerBalance(string user)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "SELECT dbo.FNAGetTellerBalance('" + user + "')";
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetUser()
var user = ReadSession("admin", "");
WriteSession("admin", user);
//WriteSession("lastActiveTS", DateTime.Now.ToString());
return user;
public static void SetXmwsSessionID(string xmwsSessionID)
WriteSession("xmwsSessionID", xmwsSessionID);
public static string GetXmwsSessionID()
return ReadSession("xmwsSessionID", "");
public static string GetUser1()
var user = ReadSession("admin1", "");
return user;
public static void RemoveUserSession()
WriteSession("admin", "");
#endregion Userpool
public static string ToShortDate(string datetime)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(datetime))
return "";
DateTime dt;
DateTime.TryParse(datetime, out dt);
return dt.ToShortDateString();
return "";
public static string GetToday()
return DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
// GetStatic.GetDcId() //41-05-72-dd-00-01-00-00-71-67
public static string GetDcId()
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ClientCertificate["SERIALNUMBER"];
//GetStatic.GetDcUserName() //Basant Tandan (IME-IRH)
public static string GetDcUserName()
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ClientCertificate["SUBJECTCN"];
//GetStatic.GetDcInfo() //41-05-72-dd-00-01-00-00-71-67:Basant Tandan (IME-IRH)
public static string GetIp()
return GetLoggedInUser().IPAddress;
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ClientCertificate["REMOTE_ADDR"];
public static string GetUserFullName()
return ReadSession("fullname", "");
public static string GetCountryId()
return ReadSession("countryId", "");
public static string GetCountry()
return ReadSession("country", "");
public static string GetBranch()
return ReadSession("branch", "");
public static string GetParentId()
return ReadSession("parentId", "");
public static string GetBranchName()
return ReadSession("branchName", "");
public static string GetAgent()
return ReadSession("agent", "");
public static string GetAgentName()
return ReadSession("agentName", "");
public static string GetSuperAgent()
return ReadSession("superAgent", "");
public static string GetSuperAgentName()
return ReadSession("superAgentName", "");
public static string GetSettlingAgent()
return ReadSession("settlingAgent", "");
public static string GetMapCodeInt()
return ReadSession("mapCodeInt", "");
public static string GetParentMapCodeInt()
return ReadSession("parentMapCodeInt", "");
public static string GetMapCodeDom()
return ReadSession("mapCodeDom", "");
public static string GetAgentType()
return ReadSession("agentType", "");
public static string GetIsActAsBranch()
return ReadSession("isActAsBranch", "");
public static string GetUserType()
return ReadSession("userType", "");
public static string GetFromSendTrnTime()
return ReadSession("fromSendTrnTime", "");
public static string GetToSendTrnTime()
return ReadSession("toSendTrnTime", "");
public static string GetFromPayTrnTime()
return ReadSession("fromPayTrnTime", "");
public static string GetToPayTrnTime()
return ReadSession("toPayTrnTime", "");
public static string GetIsHeadOffice()
return ReadSession("isHeadOffice", "");
public static string GetAgentLocation()
return ReadSession("agentLocation", "");
public static string GetAgentGroup()
return ReadSession("agentGrp", "");
public static string GetSessionId()
return HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID;
public static string GetAgentEmail()
return ReadSession("agentEmail", "");
public static string GetAgentPhone()
return ReadSession("agentPhone", "");
public static string EncryptPassword(string pwd)
return pwd;
#region Read/Write Data
public static string ReadCookie(string key, string defVal)
var cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[key];
return cookie == null ? defVal : HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cookie.Value);
public static string ReadFormData(string key, string defVal)
return HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[key] ?? defVal;
public static string ReadReportFormData(string key, string defVal)
var prefix = ReadWebConfig("controlNamePrefix");
return ReadFormData(prefix + key, defVal);
public static string GetWarningInMiliSec()
return (ParseInt((ReadWebConfig("idleWarningInSec") ?? "0").ToString()) * 1000).ToString();
public static string GetCountDownInSec()
return (ReadWebConfig("countDownInSec") ?? "0").ToString();
public static string ReadQueryString(string key, string defVal)
////string str=HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key] ?? defVal;
////str = str.Replace("#", "");
////return str;
return HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key] ?? defVal;
public static string ReadValue(string gridName, string key)
key = gridName + "_ck_" + key;
var ck = ReadCookie(key, "");
return ck;
public static void WriteValue(string gridName, ref DropDownList ddl, string key)
key = gridName + "_ck_" + key;
WriteCookie(key, ddl.Text);
public static void WriteValue(string gridName, ref TextBox tb, string key)
key = gridName + "_ck_" + key;
WriteCookie(key, tb.Text);
#endregion Read/Write Data
public static string ReadSession(string key, string defVal)
return HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null ? defVal : HttpContext.Current.Session[key].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
return defVal;
public static void WriteSession(string key, string value)
HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = value;
catch { }
public static void RemoveSession(string key)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null)
public static void DeleteCookie(string key)
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[key] != null)
var aCookie = new HttpCookie(key);
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
public static void AttachJSFunction(ref Button ctl, string evt, string function)
ctl.Attributes.Add(evt, function);
public static void AttachJSFunction(ref DropDownList ctl, string evt, string function)
ctl.Attributes.Add(evt, function);
public static void AttachJSFunction(ref TextBox ctl, string evt, string function)
ctl.Attributes.Add(evt, function);
public static void AttachConfirmMsg(ref Button ctl)
AttachConfirmMsg(ref ctl, "Are you sure?");
public static void AttachConfirmMsg(ref Button ctl, string confirmText)
var function = "return confirm('" + confirmText + "');";
ctl.Attributes.Add("onclick", function);
public static void Process(ref Button ctl)
var function = "return Process();";
ctl.Attributes.Add("onclick", function);
public static void ProcessWithConfirm(ref Button ctl)
var function = "return ProcessWithConfirm();";
ctl.Attributes.Add("onclick", function);
public static void ProcessWithConfirm(ref Button ctl, string msg)
var function = "return ProcessWithConfirm('" + msg.Replace("'", "").Replace(@"""", "") + "');";
ctl.Attributes.Add("onclick", function);
public static void WriteCookie(string key, string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Trim()))
var httpCookie = new HttpCookie(key, value);
httpCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
public static string FormatData(string data)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
return "";
decimal m;
decimal.TryParse(data, out m);
return m.ToString("F2");
public static string FormatData(string data, string dataType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
return "&nbsp;";
dataType = dataType.ToUpper();
if (data == "-")
return data;
if (dataType == "D")
DateTime d;
DateTime.TryParse(data, out d);
return d.Year + "-" + d.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + d.Day.ToString("00");
if (dataType == "DT")
DateTime t;
DateTime.TryParse(data, out t);
return t.Year + "-" + t.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + t.Day.ToString("00") + " " + t.Hour.ToString("00") + ":" + t.Minute.ToString("00");
if (dataType == "M")
decimal m;
decimal.TryParse(data, out m);
return m.ToString("N");
return data;
public static string FormatDataForForm(string data, string dataType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
return "";
if (data == "-")
return data;
if (dataType == "D")
DateTime d;
DateTime.TryParse(data, out d);
return d.Year + "-" + d.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + d.Day.ToString("00");
if (dataType == "DT")
DateTime t;
DateTime.TryParse(data, out t);
return t.Year + "-" + t.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + t.Day.ToString("00") + " " + t.Hour.ToString("00") + ":" + t.Minute.ToString("00");
if (dataType == "M")
decimal m;
decimal.TryParse(data, out m);
return m.ToString("N");
return data;
public static string NumberToWord(string data1)
double data = double.Parse(data1);
var str = data.ToString().Split('.');
int number = Convert.ToInt32(str[0]);
int dec = 0;
if (str.Length > 1)
if (str[1].Length > 1)
dec = Convert.ToInt32(str[1].Substring(0, 2));
dec = Convert.ToInt32(str[1]);
if (number == 0) return "Zero";
if (number == -2147483648)
"Minus Two Hundred and Fourteen Crore Seventy Four Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight Rupees Fifty Paisa";
int[] num = new int[4];
int first = 0;
int u, h, t;
StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
if (number < 0)
sb.Append("Minus ");
number = -number;
string[] words0 = {
"", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ",
"Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine "
string[] words1 = {
"Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ",
"Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen "
string[] words2 = {
"Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ",
"Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "
string[] words3 = { "Thousand ", "Lakh ", "Crore " };
num[0] = number % 1000; // units
num[1] = number / 1000;
num[2] = number / 100000;
num[1] = num[1] - 100 * num[2]; // thousands
num[3] = number / 10000000; // crores
num[2] = num[2] - 100 * num[3]; // lakhs
for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
if (num[i] != 0)
first = i;
for (int i = first; i >= 0; i--)
if (num[i] == 0) continue;
u = num[i] % 10; // ones
t = num[i] / 10;
h = num[i] / 100; // hundreds
t = t - 10 * h; // tens
if (h > 0) sb.Append(words0[h] + "Hundred ");
if (u > 0 || t > 0)
if (h > 0 && i == 0) sb.Append("");
if (t == 0)
else if (t == 1)
sb.Append(words2[t - 2] + words0[u]);
if (i != 0) sb.Append(words3[i - 1]);
//int d1 = dec / 10;
//int d2 = dec % 10;
//if (d1 == 0)
// sb.Append(words0[d1]);
//else if (d1 == 1)
// sb.Append(words1[d2]);
// sb.Append(words2[d1 - 2] + words0[d2]);
//if (dec > 0)
// sb.Append(" And ");
// sb.Append(words0[dec]);
// sb.Append(" Paisa");
return sb.ToString().TrimEnd() + " only";
public static string NumberToWord(string data, string currName, string currDecimal)
var str = data.Split('.');
int number = Convert.ToInt32(str[0]);
int dec = 0;
if (str.Length > 1)
dec = Convert.ToInt32(str[1].Substring(0, 2));
if (number == 0) return "Zero";
if (number == -2147483648)
"Minus Two Hundred and Fourteen Crore Seventy Four Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight Rupees Fifty Paisa";
int[] num = new int[4];
int first = 0;
int u, h, t;
StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
if (number < 0)
sb.Append("Minus ");
number = -number;
string[] words0 = {
"", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ",
"Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine "
string[] words1 = {
"Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ",
"Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen "
string[] words2 = {
"Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ",
"Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "
//string[] words3 = { "Thousand ", "Lakh ", "Crore " };
string[] words3 = { "Thousand ", "Million ", "Billion " };
num[0] = number % 1000; // units
num[1] = number / 1000;
num[2] = number / 1000000;
num[1] = num[1] - 1000 * num[2]; // thousands
num[3] = number / 1000000000; // billions
num[2] = num[2] - 1000 * num[3]; // millions
for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
if (num[i] != 0)
first = i;
//for (int i = first; i >= 0; i--)
// if (num[i] == 0) continue;
// u = num[i] % 10; // ones
// t = num[i] / 10;
// h = num[i] / 100; // hundreds
// t = t - 10 * h; // tens
// if (h > 0) sb.Append(words0[h] + "Hundred ");
// if (u > 0 || t > 0)
// {
// if (h > 0 || i < first) sb.Append("and ");
// if (t == 0)
// sb.Append(words0[u]);
// else if (t == 1)
// sb.Append(words1[u]);
// else
// sb.Append(words2[t - 2] + words0[u]);
// }
// if (i != 0) sb.Append(words3[i - 1]);
//num[0] = number % 1000; // units
//num[1] = number / 1000;
//num[2] = number / 100000;
//num[1] = num[1] - 100 * num[2]; // thousands
//num[3] = number / 10000000; // crores
//num[2] = num[2] - 100 * num[3]; // lakhs
//for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--)
// if (num[i] != 0)
// {
// first = i;
// break;
// }
for (int i = first; i >= 0; i--)
if (num[i] == 0) continue;
u = num[i] % 10; // ones
t = num[i] / 10;
h = num[i] / 100; // hundreds
t = t - 10 * h; // tens
if (h > 0) sb.Append(words0[h] + "Hundred ");
if (u > 0 || t > 0)
if (h > 0 && i == 0) sb.Append("and ");
//if (h > 0 || i < first) sb.Append("and ");
//if (h > 0) sb.Append("and ");
if (t == 0)
else if (t == 1)
sb.Append(words2[t - 2] + words0[u]);
if (i != 0) sb.Append(words3[i - 1]);
sb.Append(" " + currName + " ");
int d1 = dec / 10;
int d2 = dec % 10;
if (d1 == 0)
else if (d1 == 1)
sb.Append(words2[d1 - 2] + words0[d2]);
if (dec > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currDecimal))
sb.Append(" " + currDecimal);
return sb.ToString().TrimEnd() + " only";
#region Read From Web Config
public static string GetHoAgentId()
return ReadWebConfig("hoAgentId");
public static string GetDomesticCountryId()
return ReadWebConfig("domesticCountryId");
public static string GetDomesticSuperAgentId()
return ReadWebConfig("domesticSuperAgentId");
public static string GetAcSystemUrl()
return ReadWebConfig("acSystemUrl");
public static string GetGBLAPIUrl()
return ReadWebConfig("GBLAPIUrl");
public static string GetGBLAPIUsername()
return ReadWebConfig("GBLAPIUsername");
public static string GetGBLAPIPwd()
return ReadWebConfig("GBLAPIPwd");
public static string GetIsApiFlag()
return ReadWebConfig("isAPI");
public static string GetAppRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("root");
public static string GetFilePath()
return ReadWebConfig("filePath");
public static string TXNDocumentUploadPath()
return ReadWebConfig("txnDocumentUploadPath");
public static string GetUrlRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("urlRoot");
public static string GetJQuerySubmitURL()
return GetUrlRoot() + "/SwiftSystem/Utility/jquerySubmit.aspx";
public static string GetVirtualDirName()
return ReadWebConfig("virtualDirName");
public static string GetIMEMalaysiaAgentId()
return ReadWebConfig("imeMalaysiaAgentId");
public static string GetTranNoName()
return ReadWebConfig("tranNoName");
public static string GetCurrencyList()
return ReadWebConfig("currencyList");
public static string GetParent()
return ReadWebConfig("parent");
public static string GetDBUrlRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("dbUrlRoot");
public static string GetDBRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("dbRoot");
public static string GetReportPagesize()
return ReadWebConfig("reportPageSize");
public static string GetAdminReportRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("adminReport");
public static string GetAgentReportRoot()
return ReadWebConfig("agentReport");
#endregion Read From Web Config
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForFunction(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForFunction(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForRole(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForRole(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForTellerLimit(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForTellerLimit(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForAgent(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForAgent(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForRuleCriteria(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForRuleCriteria(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForIdCriteria(string oldData, string newData, string id)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForIdCriteria(oldData, newData, id);
//public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForSendingAmountThreshold(string oldData, string newData)
// var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
// return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForSendingAmountThreshold(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedListForCommissionPackage(string oldData, string newData)
var applicationLogsDao = new ApplicationLogsDao();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldData))
oldData = newData;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newData))
newData = oldData;
return applicationLogsDao.GetAuditDataForCommissionPackage(oldData, newData);
public static DataTable GetHistoryChangedList(string logType, string oldData, string newData)
var stringSeparators = new[] { "-:::-" };
var oldDataList = oldData.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
var newDataList = newData.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
var dt = new DataTable();
var col1 = new DataColumn("Field");
var col2 = new DataColumn("Old Value");
var col3 = new DataColumn("New Value");
var col4 = new DataColumn("hasChanged");
var colCount = newData == "" ? oldDataList.Length : newDataList.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
var changeList = ParseChangesToArray(logType, (oldData == "") ? "" : oldDataList[i], (newData == "") ? "" : newDataList[i]);
var row = dt.NewRow();
row[col1] = changeList[0];
row[col2] = changeList[1];
row[col3] = changeList[2];
if (changeList[1] == changeList[2])
row[col4] = "N";
row[col4] = "Y";
return dt;
public static DataTable GetStringToTable(string data)
var stringSeparators = new[] { "-:::-" };
var dataList = data.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
var dt = new DataTable();
var col1 = new DataColumn("field1");
var col2 = new DataColumn("field2");
var col3 = new DataColumn("field3");
var colCount = dataList.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
var changeList = dataList[i].Split('=');
var changeListCout = changeList.Length;
var value1 = changeListCout > 0 ? changeList[0].Trim() : "";
var value2 = changeListCout > 1 ? changeList[1].Trim() : "";
var value3 = changeListCout > 2 ? changeList[2].Trim() : "";
var row = dt.NewRow();
row[col1] = value1;
row[col2] = value2;
row[col3] = value3;
return dt;
private static string[] ParseChangesToArray(string logType, string oldData, string newData)
const string seperator = "=";
var oldValue = "";
var newValue = "";
var field = "";
if (logType.ToLower() == "insert" || logType.ToLower() == "i" || logType.ToLower() == "update" || logType.ToLower() == "u" || logType.ToLower() == "login fails" || logType.ToLower() == "log in")
var seperatorPos = newData.IndexOf(seperator);
if (seperatorPos > -1)
field = newData.Substring(0, seperatorPos - 1).Trim();
newValue = newData.Substring(seperatorPos + 1).Trim();
if (logType.ToLower() == "delete" || logType.ToLower() == "d" || logType.ToLower() == "update" || logType.ToLower() == "u")
var seperatorPos = oldData.IndexOf(seperator);
if (seperatorPos > -1)
if (field == "")
field = oldData.Substring(0, seperatorPos - 1).Trim();
oldValue = oldData.Substring(seperatorPos + 1).Trim();
return new[] { field, oldValue, newValue };
public static DbResult GetPasswordStatus()
DbResult dr = null;
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["passwordStatus"] != null)
dr = (DbResult)HttpContext.Current.Session["passwordStatus"];
return dr;
public static void SetPasswordStatus(DbResult dr)
HttpContext.Current.Session["passwordStatus"] = dr;
public static string GetUserName()
var identityArray = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split('\\');
return identityArray.Length > 1 ? identityArray[1] : identityArray[0];
public static string GetDefaultPage()
switch (ReadCookie("loginType", "").ToUpper())
case "ADMIN":
return GetUrlRoot() + "/admin";
case "AGENT":
return GetUrlRoot() + "/agentlogin";
return GetUrlRoot();
public static string GetLogoutPage()
return GetUrlRoot() + "/Logout.aspx";
public static string GetErrorPage()
return GetUrlRoot() + "/Error.aspx";
public static string GetAuthenticationPage()
return GetUrlRoot() + "/Authentication.aspx";
public static string NoticeMessage
get { return ReadSession("message", ""); }
set { WriteSession("message", value); }
public static string DataTable2ExcelXML(ref DataTable dt)
var date = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var header = new StringBuilder("");
header.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
header.AppendLine("<?mso-application progid=\"Excel.Sheet\"?>");
header.AppendLine("<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\"");
header.AppendLine("<DocumentProperties xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\">");
header.AppendLine("<Created>" + date + "</Created>");
header.AppendLine("<LastSaved>" + date + "</LastSaved>");
header.AppendLine("<OfficeDocumentSettings xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\">");
header.AppendLine("<ExcelWorkbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">");
header.AppendLine("<Style ss:ID=\"Default\" ss:Name=\"Normal\">");
header.AppendLine("<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"Bottom\"/>");
header.AppendLine("<Font ss:FontName=\"Calibri\" x:Family=\"Swiss\" ss:Size=\"11\" ss:Color=\"#000000\"/>");
header.AppendLine("<Style ss:ID=\"s16\">");
header.AppendLine(" <NumberFormat ss:Format=\"@\"/>");
header.AppendLine("<Worksheet ss:Name=\"Sheet1\">");
header.AppendLine("<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount=\"{columns}\" ss:ExpandedRowCount=\"{rows}\" x:FullColumns=\"1\" x:FullRows=\"1\" ss:DefaultRowHeight=\"15\">");
var footer = new StringBuilder("");
footer.AppendLine("<WorksheetOptions xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">");
footer.AppendLine("<Header x:Margin=\"0.3\"/>");
footer.AppendLine("<Footer x:Margin=\"0.3\"/>");
footer.AppendLine("<PageMargins x:Bottom=\"0.75\" x:Left=\"0.7\" x:Right=\"0.7\" x:Top=\"0.75\"/>");
const string dataTemplate = "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s16\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{data}</Data></Cell>";
var body = new StringBuilder("");
var columnCount = dt.Columns.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
body.AppendLine(dataTemplate.Replace("{data}", dt.Columns[i].ColumnName));
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
body.AppendLine(dataTemplate.Replace("{data}", dr[i].ToString()));
return header.ToString().Replace("{rows}", (dt.Rows.Count + 1).ToString()).Replace("{columns}",
public static string ReadWebConfig(string key)
return ReadWebConfig(key, "");
public static string ReadWebConfig(string key, string defValue)
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key] ?? defValue;
public static string PutYellowBackGround(string mes)
return "<span style = \"background-color : yellow\">" + mes + "</span>";
public static string PutRedBackGround(string mes)
return "<span style = \"background-color : red\">" + mes + "</span>";
public static string PutBlueBackGround(string mes)
return "<span style = \"background-color : blue\">" + mes + "</span>";
public static string PutHalfYellowBackGround(string mes)
return "<span style = \"background-color : #FFA822\">" + mes + "</span>";
public static long ReadNumericDataFromQueryString(string key)
var tmpId = ReadQueryString(key, "0");
long tmpIdLong;
long.TryParse(tmpId, out tmpIdLong);
return tmpIdLong;
public static decimal ReadDecimalDataFromQueryString(string key)
var tmpId = ReadQueryString(key, "0");
decimal tmpIdDecimal;
decimal.TryParse(tmpId, out tmpIdDecimal);
return tmpIdDecimal;
public static void SetActiveMenu(string menuFunctionId)
HttpContext.Current.Session["activeMenu"] = menuFunctionId;
public static void ResizeFrame(Page page)
CallBackJs1(page, "Resize Iframe", "window.parent.resizeIframe();");
/// <summary>
/// Set DbResult in Session
/// </summary>
public static void SetMessage(DbResult value)
HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Set Error Code and Message in Session
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errorCode">
/// Error Code
/// </param>
/// <param name="msg">
/// Message
/// </param>
public static void SetMessage(string errorCode, string msg)
var dbResult = new DbResult { ErrorCode = errorCode, Msg = msg };
/// <summary>
/// Jquery Print Message from session
/// </summary>
public static void PrintMessage(Page page)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] == null)
var dbResult = GetMessage();
CallBackJs1(page, "Set Message", "window.parent.SetMessageBox(\"" + dbResult.Msg + "\",\"" + dbResult.ErrorCode + "\");");
/// <summary>
/// Jquery Print Message from DbResult
/// </summary>
public static void PrintMessage(Page page, DbResult dbResult)
CallBackJs1(page, "Set Message", "window.parent.SetMessageBox(\"" + dbResult.Msg + "\",\"" + dbResult.ErrorCode + "\");");
public static void PrintMessage1(Page page, DbResult dbResult)
CallBackJs3(page, "Set Message", "window.parent.parent.SetMessageBox(\"" + dbResult.Msg + "\",\"" + dbResult.ErrorCode + "\");");
/// <summary>
/// Jquery Print Message directly passing Error Code and Message
/// </summary>
public static void PrintMessage(Page page, string errorCode, string msg)
CallBackJs1(page, "Set Message", "window.parent.SetMessageBox(\"" + msg + "\",\"" + errorCode + "\");");
public static void PrintSuccessMessage(Page page, string msg)
PrintMessage(page, "0", msg);
public static void PrintErrorMessage(Page page, string msg)
PrintMessage(page, "1", msg);
/// <summary>
/// Alert Message from session
/// </summary>
public static void AlertMessage(Page page)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["message"] == null)
var dbResult = GetMessage();
if (dbResult.Msg == "")
CallBackJs1(page, "Alert Message", "alert(\"" + FilterMessageForJs(dbResult.Msg) + "\");");
/// <summary>
/// Alert Message directly passing Message
/// </summary>
public static void AlertMessage(Page page, string msg)
CallBackJs1(page, "Alert Message", "RemoveProcessDivWithMsg(\"" + FilterMessageForJs(msg) + "\");");
public static void ShowSuccessMessage(string msg)
HttpContext.Current.Server.Transfer(GetVirtualDirName() + "/PrintMessage.aspx?errorCode=0&msg=" + msg);
public static void ShowErrorMessage(string msg)
HttpContext.Current.Server.Transfer(GetVirtualDirName() + "/PrintMessage.aspx?errorCode=1&msg=" + msg);
public static string GetActiveMenu()
return ReadSession("activeMenu", "");
public static string GetBoolToChar(bool chk)
return chk ? "Y" : "N";
public static bool GetCharToBool(string value)
return value.ToUpper() == "Y" ? true : false;
public static DbResult GetMessage()
return (DbResult)HttpContext.Current.Session["message"];
public static void Redirect(Page page, string url)
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "script", "<script language = 'javascript'>Redirect('" + url + "');</script>");
public static void CloseDialog(Page page, string returnValue)
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "scriptClose", "<script language = 'javascript'>CloseDialog('" + returnValue + "');</script>");
public static bool VerifyMode()
return ReadQueryString("mode", "") == "verify" ? true : false;
public static String ShowDecimal(String strVal)
if (strVal != "")
return String.Format("{0:0,0.00}", double.Parse(strVal));
return strVal;
public static String ShowDecimal4(String strVal)
if (strVal != "")
return String.Format("{0:0,0.0000}", double.Parse(strVal));
return strVal;
public static string GetRowData(DataRow dr, string fieldName, string defValue)
return dr == null ? defValue : dr[fieldName].ToString();
public static string GetRowData(DataRow dr, string fieldName)
return GetRowData(dr, fieldName, "");
public static string GetRowDataInShortDateFormat(DataRow dr, string fieldName)
return dr[fieldName].ToString() == "" ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(dr[fieldName].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
public static string ParseResultJsPrint(DbResult dbResult)
return dbResult.ErrorCode + "-:::-" + dbResult.Msg + "-:::-" + dbResult.Id;
public static void CallBackJs1(Page page, String scriptName, string functionName)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), scriptName, functionName, true);
public static void CallBackJs3(Page page, String scriptName, string functionName)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), scriptName, functionName, true);
public static void CallJSFunction(Page page, string functionName)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "cb", functionName, true);
public static void CallBackJs2(Page page, string scriptName, string functionName)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), scriptName, functionName, true);
public static double ParseDouble(string value)
double tmp;
double.TryParse(value, out tmp);
return tmp;
public static int ParseInt(string value)
int tmp;
int.TryParse(value, out tmp);
return tmp;
public static string DataTableToCheckBox(DataTable dt, string name, string valueField, string textField)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
sb.AppendLine("<input type = \"checkbox\" name = \"" + name + "\" value = \"" + row[valueField] +
"\" />" + row[textField] + " <br />");
return sb.ToString();
public static string ParseMinusValue(double data)
var retVal = Math.Abs(data).ToString("N");
if (data < 0)
return "(" + retVal + ")";
return retVal;
public static string ParseMinusValue(string data)
var m = ParseDouble(data);
return ParseMinusValue(m);
public static string GetFullName(string firstName, string middleName, string lastName1, string lastName2)
var fullName = firstName;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(middleName))
fullName += " " + middleName;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastName1))
fullName += " " + lastName1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName2))
fullName += " " + lastName2;
return fullName;
public static FullName ParseName(string fullName)
var fn = new FullName();
var name = fullName.Split(' ');
var names = name.Length;
fn.FirstName = name[0];
fn.MiddleName = "";
fn.LastName1 = "";
fn.LastName2 = "";
if (names > 1)
fn.LastName1 = name[1];
if (names > 2)
fn.MiddleName = name[1];
fn.LastName1 = name[2];
if (names > 3)
fn.LastName2 = name[3];
if (names > 4)
fn.LastName2 += " " + name[4];
return fn;
public static DbResult CheckSlab(string pcnt, string minAmt, string maxAmt)
//bool PreError = false;
var dbResult = new DbResult();
if ((pcnt == "" ? "0" : pcnt) != "0")
if ((minAmt == "" ? "0" : minAmt) == "0" || (maxAmt == "" ? "0" : maxAmt) == "0")
dbResult.Id = "1";
dbResult.Msg = "Please set Min or Max Amt ..";
//PreError = true;
else if ((pcnt == "" ? "0" : pcnt) == "0" && (minAmt == "" ? "0" : minAmt) == "0")
dbResult.Id = "1";
dbResult.Msg = "Please set Min Amt ..";
//PreError = true;
return dbResult;
//DateTime dt = GetStatic.GMTDatetime();
public static DateTime GMTDatetime()
System.DateTime CurrTime = System.DateTime.Now;
System.DateTime CurrUTCTime = CurrTime.ToUniversalTime();
var dt1 = CurrUTCTime.AddMinutes(345);
return dt1;
public static DateTime GetDateInNepalTz()
DateTime saveUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(345);
return saveUtcNow;
public static String FilterMessageForJs(string strVal)
if (strVal.ToLower() != "null")
strVal = strVal.Replace("\"", "");
return strVal;
public static void ReloadJQueryDatePicket(Page p, string textBoxName)
CallBackJs1(p, "ajax", "AsyncDone('#" + textBoxName + "');");
//This script handles ajax postbacks, by registering the js to run at the end of *AJAX* requests
//p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "ajaxTrigger", "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(EndRequestHandler);", true);
//p.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "EndRequest", "function EndRequestHandler(sender, args){" + callBack + ";}", true);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page">
/// </param>
/// <param name="controlNo">
/// </param>
/// <param name="message">
/// </param>
/// <param name="successMessageType">
/// 1 - Jquery Message, 2 - Js Alert Message
/// </param>
public static string GetCountryFlag(string countryCode)
var html = "<img src=\"" + GetUrlRoot() + "/images/countryflag/" + countryCode + ".png" + "\" border=\"0\">";
return html;
public static string ParseMGError(string msg)
return ParseMGError("", msg);
public static string ParseMGError(string errorType, string msg)
return ParseMGText(msg).Replace("\"", "`").Replace("'", "`").Replace("\n", "");
private static string ParseMGText(string str)
var res = ParseMGTextHelper(ParseMGTextHelper(str, true), false).Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
return str;
return res;
private static string ParseMGTextHelper(string str, bool reverse)
var pos = -1;
var findText = " at";
if (reverse)
while (true)
pos = str.LastIndexOf(findText);
if (pos < 0) break;
str = str.Substring(0, pos);
findText = "Arguments has errors:";
pos = str.LastIndexOf(findText);
if (pos < 0)
findText = "MG.ClientException:";
pos = str.LastIndexOf(findText);
if (pos < 0)
findText = "Novatech.SW.BaseException:";
pos = str.LastIndexOf(findText);
if (pos > 0)
str = str.Substring(pos + 1 + findText.Length);
return str;
public static string GetAgentCountry(string agentId)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_transactionUtility @flag='ac', @user=" + db.FilterString(GetUser()) + ", @agentId=" + db.FilterString(agentId);
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetSendingCountryBySCurr(string sCurr)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_transactionUtility @flag='sCountry', @user=" + db.FilterString(GetUser()) + ", @curr=" + db.FilterString(sCurr);
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
private static bool IsValidEmailAdd(string emailaddress)
var m = new MailAddress(emailaddress);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
private static bool IsValidEmailAdd(string emailaddress, ref List<MailAddress> addList)
foreach (var itm in emailaddress.Split(';'))
if (IsValidEmailAdd(itm))
addList.Add(new MailAddress(itm));
return (addList.Count > 0);
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public static DbResult SendEmail(ref string mailTo, string replyToAddress, string cc, string bcc, string subject, string bodyOfMail, string attachment, string importance, string flag = "smtpCredential")
var obj = new SystemEmailSetupDao();
DbResult dr = new DbResult();
var dtRow = obj.GetSmtpCredential(GetUser(), flag);
if (dtRow == null)
dr.SetError("1", "SMTP Server Not Found", "");
return dr;
string smtp = dtRow["smtpServer"].ToString();// ReadWebConfig("smtp");
string mailFrom = dtRow["sendID"].ToString();// ReadWebConfig("mailFrom");
string pwd = dtRow["sendPSW"].ToString();//ReadWebConfig("mailPwd");
bool enableSSL = dtRow["enableSsl"].ToString().ToLower().Equals("y");// ReadWebConfig("enableSSL").ToLower().Equals("true");
int port = int.Parse(dtRow["smtpPort"].ToString()); //Convert.ToInt16(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReadWebConfig("port")) ? "0" : ReadWebConfig("port"));
bool boolTo = false;
bool boolCC = false;
bool boolBCC = false;
List<MailAddress> MailToList = new List<MailAddress>();
List<MailAddress> CCList = new List<MailAddress>();
List<MailAddress> BCCList = new List<MailAddress>();
boolTo = IsValidEmailAdd(mailTo, ref MailToList);
boolCC = IsValidEmailAdd(cc, ref CCList);
boolBCC = IsValidEmailAdd(bcc, ref BCCList);
if (!boolTo && !boolCC && !boolBCC)
dr.ErrorCode = "1";
dr.Msg = "Invalid email addresses";
return dr;
if (!boolTo)
mailTo = cc;
MailToList = CCList;
boolTo = boolCC;
boolCC = false;
if (!boolTo)
mailTo = bcc;
MailToList = BCCList;
boolTo = boolBCC;
boolBCC = false;
MailMessage oMail = new MailMessage();
oMail.From = new MailAddress(mailFrom);
oMail.Body = bodyOfMail;
oMail.Subject = subject;
if (boolTo)
foreach (MailAddress itm in MailToList)
//= New MailMessage(mailFrom, mailTo, subject, bodyOfMail) ' //first your adress, then the person you want to send it to. This order is important!
SmtpClient oClient = new SmtpClient(smtp);
// //this is where the difference is made between hotmail, gmail, and others.
oMail.IsBodyHtml = true;
if (boolCC)
foreach (MailAddress itm in CCList)
if (boolBCC)
foreach (MailAddress itm in BCCList)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment))
oMail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(attachment));
if (IsValidEmailAdd(replyToAddress))
oMail.ReplyTo = new MailAddress(replyToAddress);
oClient.Port = port;
// //you could use port 21.. but alot of spam gets send trough here, so it's blocked
// by many ISPs
oClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(mailFrom, pwd);
oClient.EnableSsl = enableSSL;
dr.ErrorCode = "0";
dr.Msg = "Email Sent Successfully.";
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.Msg = ex.Message;
if (dr.Msg.ToLower().StartsWith("mailbox unavailable"))
dr.ErrorCode = "10";
dr.ErrorCode = "1";
return dr;
public static string GetAgentNameFromAgentId(string agentId)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_transactionUtility @flag='agentNameFromAgentId', @user=" + db.FilterString(GetUser()) + ", @agentId=" + db.FilterString(agentId);
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetMapCodeIntFromAgentId(string agentId)
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "SELECT mapCodeInt FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE am.agentId = " + agentId + "";
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetProfileUpdateFlag()
var db = new SwiftDao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_agentProfileUpdate @flag = 'check-update'";
sql += ", @user =" + db.FilterString(GetUser());
sql += ", @agentId = " + db.FilterString(GetAgentId());
return db.GetSingleResult(sql);
public static string GetOFACSDN()
return ReadWebConfig("OFAC_SDN");
public static string GetOFACALT()
return ReadWebConfig("OFAC_ALT");
public static string GetOFACADD()
return ReadWebConfig("OFAC_ADD");
public static string GetOFACUNSCR()
return ReadWebConfig("OFAC_UNSCR");
public static bool ToImage(this string value)
value = value.ToLower();
if (!value.Contains("."))
value = "." + value;
if (value == ".jpeg" || value == ".jpg" || value == ".png" || value == ".gif" || value == ".bmp")
return true;
return false;