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using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace Swift.API
public class Utility
public static string ReadWebConfig(string key, string defValue)
return (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[key] ?? defValue).ToString();
public static string ReadSession(string key, string defVal)
return HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null ? defVal : HttpContext.Current.Session[key].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
return "";
public static void WriteSession(string key, string value)
HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = value;
public static string GetSocialWallApiAuthKey()
return ReadWebConfig("socialWallApiAuth", "");
public static string ArrayToXML(string[] arr)
XDocument doc = new XDocument();
doc.Add(new XElement("root", arr.Select(x => new XElement("item", x))));
return doc.ToString();
public static string GetDateInC2CFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
public static string GetDateInMGFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy 00:00:00");
public static string GetDateInCEFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
public static string GetDateInICFormat(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
public static string GetDateInMGFormat(string strDate, string type)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
var res = "";
if (type.ToLower().Equals("t"))
res = date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy 23:59:59");
res = date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy 00:00:00");
return res;
public static string GetDateToShortString(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToShortDateString();
public static string GetDateToSqlDate(string strDate)
var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate);
return date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
#region Global Bank Configs
public static string GetgblUserid()
return ReadWebConfig("gbluserid", "");
public static string GetgblPassword()
return ReadWebConfig("gblpassword", "");
public static string GetgblpayoutCode()
return ReadWebConfig("gblpayagentcode", "");
public static string GetgblAgentId()
return ReadWebConfig("gblAgentID", "");
public static string GetgblCertName()
return ReadWebConfig("gblCertName", "");
public static string GetgblCertPath()
return ReadWebConfig("gblCertPath", "");
public static string GetgblCertPwd()
return ReadWebConfig("gblCertPwd", "");
#endregion Global Bank Configs
public static DbResult LogRequestKFTC(string user, string methodName, string requestXml, string processId = "")
var db = new Dao();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestXml))
requestXml = "";
var sql = String.Format("EXEC PROC_KFTC_LOGS @flag='i', @CUSTOMERID='{0}', @methodName='{1}',@requestXml=N'{2}',@processId='{3}'", user, methodName, requestXml.Replace("'", ""), processId);
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
public static DbResult LogResponseKFTC(string rowId, string responseXml, string tpErrorCode, string tpErrorMsg)
var db = new Dao();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(responseXml))
responseXml = "";
var sql =
"EXEC PROC_KFTC_LOGS @flag='u', @rowId='{0}',@responseXml=N'{1}', @errorCode='{2}', @errorMessage=N'{3}'",
rowId, responseXml.Replace("'", ""), tpErrorCode, tpErrorMsg);
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
catch (Exception)
return new DbResult();
public static DbResult LogRequest(string user, string providerName, string methodName, string controlNo, string requestXml, string processId = "")
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestXml))
requestXml = "";
var sql = String.Format("EXEC proc_tpApiLogs @flag='i', @user='{0}', @providerName='{1}', @methodName='{2}',@controlNo='{3}',@requestXml='{4}',@processId='{5}'", user, providerName, methodName, controlNo, requestXml.Replace("'", ""), processId);
var db = new Dao();
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
public static DbResult LogResponse(string rowId, string responseXml)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(responseXml))
responseXml = "";
var sql = String.Format("EXEC proc_tpApiLogs @flag='u', @rowId='{0}',@responseXml='{1}'", rowId,
responseXml.Replace("'", ""));
var db = new Dao();
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
catch (Exception)
return new DbResult();
public static string ObjectToXML(object input)
var stringwriter = new StringWriter();
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(input.GetType());
serializer.Serialize(stringwriter, input);
return stringwriter.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
return "Could not convert: " + ex.Message;
public static string BlankIfNull(string val)
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val))
return val;
return "";
public static DbResult ValidateRequest(string user, string controlNo)
var db = new Dao();
var sql = "EXEC proc_tpApiLogs @flag = 'vr'";
sql += ", @user = " + db.FilterString(user);
sql += ", @controlNo = " + db.FilterString(controlNo);
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
public static DbResult LogResponse(string rowId, string responseXml, string tpErrorCode, string tpErrorMsg)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(responseXml))
responseXml = "";
var sql =
"EXEC proc_tpApiLogs @flag='u', @rowId='{0}',@responseXml='{1}', @errorCode='{2}', @errorMessage='{3}'",
rowId, responseXml.Replace("'", ""), tpErrorCode, tpErrorMsg);
var db = new Dao();
return db.ParseDbResult(sql);
catch (Exception)
return new DbResult();