You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1048 lines
40 KiB

var countryListForTfPayerData = [16, 104, 42, 169];
///////////////////////////////////////////// ------ Location /////////////////////////////////////////
function PcountryOnChange(obj, pmode, pAgentSelected = "", payoutPartner = "", isFrmBack = "") {
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val();
if (pCountry === "" || pCountry === null)
var method = "";
if (obj === 'c') {
method = "PaymentModePcountry";
if (obj === 'pcurr') {
method = "PCurrPcountry";
var dataToSend = { MethodName: method, pCountry: pCountry };
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
success: function (response) {
if (obj === 'c') {
LoadPayMode(response, document.getElementById(mId + "pMode"), 'pcurr', "", pmode);
GetPayoutPartner(response[0].serviceTypeId, payoutPartner, isFrmBack);
ReceivingModeOnChange("", pAgentSelected);
else if (obj === 'pcurr') {
if (response === "")
return false;
$("#" + mId + "lblPayCurr").text(response[0].currencyCode);
$("#" + mId + "lblExCurr").text(response[0].currencyCode);
return true;
return true;
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
function PickLocation() {
var pAgent = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").val();
$("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail").val(pAgent);
if (pAgent === "" || pAgent === undefined || pAgent === 0) {
alert('First Select a Agent/Branch');
$("#" + mId + "pAgent").focus();
var url = "TxnHistory/PickLocationByAgent.aspx?pAgent=" + pAgent;
var param = "dialogHeight:470px;dialogWidth:700px;dialogLeft:200;dialogTop:100;center:yes";
PopUpWindow(url, param);
function SchemeByPCountry() {
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val();
var pAgent = $("#" + mId + "pAgent").val();
var sCustomerId = $('#finalSenderId').text();
if (pCountry === "" || pCountry === null)
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'LoadSchemeByRcountry', pCountry: pCountry, pAgent: pAgent, sCustomerId: sCustomerId };
var option;
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
var myDDL = document.getElementById("#" + mId + "ddlScheme");
option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = "Select";
option.value = "";
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
if (response === "") {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = data[i].schemeName;
option.value = data[i].schemeCode;
try {
catch (e) {
return true;
function GetAddressByZipCode() {
var zipCodeValue = $("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").val();
var zipCodePattern = /^\d{3}(-\d{4})?$/;
test = zipCodePattern.test(zipCodeValue);
if (!test) {
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").val('');
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").focus();
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").attr("style", "display:block; background:#FFCCD2");
return alert("Please Enter Valid Zip Code(XXX-XXXX)");
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'GetAddressDetailsByZipCode', zipCode: zipCodeValue };
var options = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
function (response) {
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
function ShowAddress(erd) {
if (erd !== null) {
if (erd === false) {
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").val('');
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").focus();
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").attr("style", "display:block; background:#FFCCD2");
return alert("Please Enter Valid Zip Code(XXX-XXXX)");
$("#" + mId + "txtSendPostal").removeAttr("style");
var fullAddress = $(".town div:first-child").text();
var newZipCode = $(".town a:first-child").text();
fullAddress = fullAddress.replace(newZipCode, '');
fullAddress = fullAddress.split('(')[0];
var fullAddressArr = fullAddress.split(",");
$("#" + mId + "sCustStreet").val(fullAddressArr[1].trim());
$("#" + mId + "txtSendCity").val(fullAddressArr[2]);
function ManageLocationData() {
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry :selected").text();
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
var payoutPartnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
if (pCountry === 'NEPAL') {
GetElement(mId + "locationDDL").className = "form-control";
GetElement(mId + "subLocationDDL").className = "form-control";
$("#" + mId + "locationDDL").empty();
$("#" + mId + "subLocationDDL").empty();
GetElement(mId + "locationDDL").className = "required form-control";
GetElement(mId + "subLocationDDL").className = "required form-control";
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getLocation', PCountry: pCountry, PMode: pMode, PartnerId: payoutPartnerId };
var options = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
function (response) {
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
function LoadLocationDDL(response) {
var data = response;
var ddl = GetElement(mId + "locationDDL");
$("#" + mId + "subLocationDDL").empty();
var option;
option = document.createElement("option");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
option = document.createElement("option");
if (data[i].LOCATIONNAME === 'Any State') {
option.text = data[i].LOCATIONNAME;
option.value = data[i].LOCATIONID;
if ($("#" + mId + "hddLocation").val()) {
if (option.value === $("#" + mId + "hddLocation").val()) {
option.selected = true;
try {
catch (e) {
if ($("#" + mId + "hddSubLocation").val()) {
$(document).on('change', '#' + mId + 'locationDDL', function () {
//////////////////////////////////////////// ------ End Location /////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////// ------ Agents / Agent's Branchs //////////////////////////////
$(document).on('change', '#ContentPlaceHolder1_sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL', function () {
function LoadAgentSetting() {
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").val();
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val();
var pModeTxt = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text();
var dataToSend = { MethodName: "PAgentChange", pCountry: pCountry, pMode: pMode };
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(),
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
ApplyAgentSetting(response, pModeTxt);
function LoadAgentByExtAgent(pAgent) {
var dataToSend = { MethodName: "LoadAgentByExtAgent", pAgent: pAgent };
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(),
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
LoadPaymentThroughDdl(response, GetElement(mId + "paymentThrough"), "SELECT");
function PickpBranch() {
var pAgent = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").val();
$("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail").val(pAgent);
var pAgentType = $("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail option:selected").text();
if (pAgent === "" || pAgent === undefined || pAgent === 0) {
alert('First Select a Agent/Branch');
$("#" + mId + "pAgent").focus();
var url = "TxnHistory/PickBranchByAgent.aspx?pAgent=" + pAgent + "&pAgentType=" + pAgentType;
var param = "dialogHeight:470px;dialogWidth:700px;dialogLeft:200;dialogTop:100;center:yes";
var res = PopUpWindow(url, param);
if (res === "undefined" || res === undefined || res === null || res === "") {
else {
var splitVal = res.split('|');
var pBranchValue = splitVal[0];
var pBranchText = splitVal[1];
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text();
// WHILE CLICKING Pagent POPULATE agent branch
function PAgentChange() {
$("#" + mId + "branch").empty();
var pAgent = $(mId + "pAgent").val();
if (pAgent === null || pAgent === "" || pAgent === undefined)
SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "pAgentDetail", pAgent);
var pBankType = $("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail option:selected").text();
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").val();
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val();
var pModeTxt = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text();
var dataToSend = { MethodName: "PAgentChange", pCountry: pCountry, pAgent: pAgent, pMode: pMode, pBankType: pBankType };
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(),
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
ApplyAgentSetting(response, pModeTxt);
function ApplyAgentSetting(response, pModeTxt) {
var data = response;
if (data === "" || data === null) {
var defbeneficiaryIdReq = $("#" + mId + "hdnBeneficiaryIdReq").val();
var defbeneficiaryContactReq = $("#" + mId + "hdnBeneficiaryContactReq").val();
var defrelationshipReq = $("#" + mId + "hdnRelationshipReq").val();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (defbeneficiaryIdReq === "H") {
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").hide();
else if (defbeneficiaryIdReq === "M") {
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "required form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "required form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType_err").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").show();
else if (defbeneficiaryIdReq === "O") {
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType_err").hide();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").hide();
if (defrelationshipReq === "H") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").hide();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "form-control");
else if (defrelationshipReq === "M") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").show();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "required form-control");
$("#" + mId + "relationship_err").show();
else if (defrelationshipReq === "O") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").show();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "form-control");
$("#" + mId + "relationship_err").hide();
if (defbeneficiaryContactReq === "H") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").hide();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "form-control");
else if (defbeneficiaryContactReq === "M") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "required form-control");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile_err").show();
else if (defbeneficiaryContactReq === "O") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "form-control");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile_err").hide();
if (pModeTxt === "BANK DEPOSIT") {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", true);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "required disabled form-control");
else {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", true);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "disabled form-control");
var branchSelection = data[0].branchSelection.toUpperCase();
var maxLimitAmt = data[0].maxLimitAmt;
var agMaxLimitAmt = data[0].agMaxLimitAmt;
var beneficiaryIdReq = data[0].benificiaryIdReq;
var relationshipReq = data[0].relationshipReq;
var beneficiaryContactReq = data[0].benificiaryContactReq;
var acLengthFrom = data[0].acLengthFrom;
var acLengthTo = data[0].acLengthTo;
var acNumberType = data[0].acNumberType;
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#" + mId + "hddBranchRequired").val(branchSelection);
if (branchSelection === "NOT REQUIRED") {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "disabled form-control");
$('#' + mId + 'branch').attr("class", "disabled js-example-basic-single form-group select2-hidden-accessible");
else if (branchSelection === "MANUAL TYPE") {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", false);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "required form-control");
else if (branchSelection === "SELECT") {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", true);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "required disabled form-control");
$('#' + mId + 'branch').attr("class", "required disabled js-example-basic-single form-group select2-hidden-accessible");
else {
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", true);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "disabled form-control");
if (beneficiaryIdReq === "H") {
//$("#" + mId + "trRecId").hide();
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").hide();
else if (beneficiaryIdReq === "M") {
//$("#" + mId + "trRecId").show();
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "required form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "required form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType_err").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").show();
else if (beneficiaryIdReq === "O") {
//$("#" + mId + "trRecId").show();
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").attr("class", "form-control readonlyOnReceiverSelect");
$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType_err").hide();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").hide();
if (relationshipReq === "H") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").hide();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "form-control");
else if (relationshipReq === "M") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").show();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "required form-control");
$("#" + mId + "relationship_err").show();
else if (relationshipReq === "O") {
$("#" + mId + "trRelWithRec").show();
$("#" + mId + "relationship").attr("class", "form-control");
$("#" + mId + "relationship_err").hide();
if (beneficiaryContactReq === "H") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").hide();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "form-control");
else if (beneficiaryContactReq === "M") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "required form-control");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile_err").show();
else if (beneficiaryContactReq === "O") {
$("#" + mId + "trRecContactNo").show();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").attr("class", "form-control");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile_err").hide();
if (data[0].ROW_ID !== '') {
$('#lblCampaign').text(data[0].PROMOTIONAL_MSG + ': (' + data[0].PROMOTION_TYPE + ') ' + data[0].PROMOTION_VALUE + ' GBP');
$("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr("disabled", true);
$("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr("readonly", true);
else {
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
if (partnerId === "" || partnerId === undefined) {
//special settings only for Vietnam
if ($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_pCountry').val() === '203') {
if (partnerId === "394132") {
$("#" + mId + "hddBranchRequired").val('MANUAL TYPE');
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", false);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "required form-control");
else {
$("#" + mId + "hddBranchRequired").val('SELECT');
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("readonly", true);
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "required disabled form-control");
$('#' + mId + 'branch').attr("class", "required disabled js-example-basic-single form-group select2-hidden-accessible");
function PBranchChange(pBranch) {
var dataToSend = { MethodName: "PBranchChange", pBranch: pBranch };
var options =
url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(),
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
LoadPaymentThroughDdl(response, GetElement(mId + "paymentThrough"), "SELECT");
$(document).on('change', "#" + mId + "pAgent", function () {
$('#chkSkipAccountValidation').prop("checked", false);
$("#" + mId + "branch").empty();
var bankId = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").val();
var bankName = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").text().split('||');
if (bankId === "" || bankId === null) {
//account validation if bank is changed
var receiverName = $('#receiverName').text();
var accNum = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_txtRecDepAcNo').val();
var payoutPartner = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_hddPayoutPartner').val();
var pCountry = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_pCountry option:selected').text();
CheckForAccountValidation(receiverName, accNum, payoutPartner, pCountry);
var pmode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
$("#" + mId + "branch").removeClass('required');
PopulateBankDetails(bankId, pmode);
if (partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0] || pmode === "2") {
//if ((partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0]) && pmode === "2") {
// $('#agentBranchRequired').hide();
//if (partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0] && pmode === "2" && (bankId !== "0" && bankId !== null && bankId !== "")) {
// LoadPayerData();
function PopulateBankDetails(bankId, receiveMode, isBranchByName, branchSelected) {
$("#" + mId + "branch").empty();
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
var receivingCountryId = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val();
var dataToSend = '';
if (isBranchByName === '' || isBranchByName === undefined) {
dataToSend = { bankId: bankId, type: 'bb', pMode: receiveMode, partnerId: partnerId, receivingCountryId: receivingCountryId };
else {
dataToSend = { bankId: bankId, type: 'bb', isBranchByName: isBranchByName, branchSelected: branchSelected, pMode: receiveMode, partnerId: partnerId, receivingCountryId: receivingCountryId };
$.get("/AgentNew/SendTxn/FormLoader.aspx", dataToSend, function (data) {
GetElement("divBankBranch").innerHTML = data;
function ManageHiddenFields(receiveMode) {
return true;
receiveMode = ($("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val() === '' || $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val() === undefined) ? receiveMode : $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val();
if (receiveMode === "2" || receiveMode.toUpperCase() === 'BANK DEPOSIT') {
$(".same").css("display", "");
$("#" + mId + "branch").addClass('required');
else {
$(".same").css("display", "none");
$("#" + mId + "branch").removeClass('required');
function LoadPayerData(showModal) {
var countryId = Number($("#" + mId + "pCountry").val());
var bankId = $("#" + mId + "pAgent").val();
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val();
var bankCode = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").text().split('||')[1];
var PCountryCode = $("#" + mId + "hddPCountryCode").val();
var payCurr = $("#" + mId + "pCurrDdl").val();
var isSyncPayerData = 'Y';
if (bankId !== null && bankId !== "") {
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
if (partnerId === apiPartnerIds[1]) {
bankId = $("#" + mId + "pAgent :selected").text();
var dataToSend = {
MethodName: 'getPayerDataByBankId', bankId: bankId, partnerId: partnerId, pMode: pMode
, pCountry: pCountry, bankCode: bankCode, PCountryCode: PCountryCode, payCurr: payCurr, countryId: countryId
, isSyncPayerData: isSyncPayerData
var options = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
success: function (response) {
if (showModal === '' || showModal === undefined) {
if ($("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").text().toLowerCase() !== 'india' && $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").text().toLowerCase() !== 'sri lanka') {
var ddl = GetElement(mId + "ddlPayerBranch");
CreateDDLFromData(response, mId + "ddlPayer", null, $("#" + mId + "hddPayerData").val());
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
$(document).on('change', "#" + mId + "ddlPayer", function () {
return true;
var payerId = $(this).val();
var cityId = $("#" + mId + "subLocationDDL").val();
if (payerId !== "" && payerId !== null) {
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getPayerBranchDataByPayerAndCityId', payerId: payerId, partnerId: partnerId, CityId: cityId };
$.post("", dataToSend, function (response) {
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
CreateDDLFromData(data, mId + "ddlPayerBranch");
$(document).on('change', "#" + mId + "ddlPayerBranch", function () {
payerBranchId = $(this).val();
if (payerBranchId === null || payerBranchId === "") {
return alert("Please Select Payer Branch Information");
payerText = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayer option:selected").text();
payerBranchText = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayerBranch option:selected").text();
$("#" + mId + "payerText").text(payerText);
$("#" + mId + "payerBranchText").text(payerBranchText);
function OnBehalfAgentOnChange() {
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getAvailableBalance', branchId: $("#" + mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL").val().split('|')[0] };
$.post("", dataToSend, function (response) {
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
var txnRequestFromAgent = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestFromAgent").val();
if (txnRequestFromAgent != "true") {
//added by gunn
var actAsBranch = $("#" + mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL").val().split('|')[1];
if (actAsBranch === "N") {
} else {
//up to here
if (data === null || data === undefined || data === '') {
$("#" + mId + "availableAmt").text('N/A');
else {
$("#" + mId + "availableAmt").text(data[0].availableBal);
$("#" + mId + "balCurrency").text(data[0].balCurrency);
$("#" + mId + "lblPerDayLimit").text(data[0].txnPerDayCustomerLimit);
$("#" + mId + "lblPerDayCustomerCurr").text(data[0].sCurr);
$("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(data[0].sCurr);
$("#" + mId + "lblSendCurr").text(data[0].sCurr);
$("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeCurr").text(data[0].sCurr);
$("#" + mId + "txnPerDayCustomerLimit").val(data[0].txnPerDayCustomerLimit);
$("#" + mId + "hdnLimitAmount").val(data[0].sCountryLimit);
function GetPayoutPartner(payMode, payoutPartner = "", isFrmBack = "") {
var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val();
var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
LoadPartnerDDL(pCountry, pMode, payoutPartner, isFrmBack);
var partner = '';
if ($('#divPartnerSelect').is(':visible')) {
partner = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val();
if (partner === '' || partner === undefined) {
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getPayoutPartner', PCountry: pCountry, PMode: pMode };
var options = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
function (response) {
var datas = response;
var agentId = "";
if (datas.length > 0) {
agentId = datas[0].agentId;
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(agentId);
$("#" + mId + "hddFetchExrateFromPartner").val(datas[0].exRateCalByPartner);
$("#" + mId + "hddIsRealTimeTxn").val(datas[0].isRealTime);
$("#" + mId + "hddPCountryCode").val(datas[0].COUNTRYCODE);
$("#" + mId + "hddChoosePayer").val(datas[0].ChoosePayer);
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
else {
var dataToSendSel = { MethodName: 'getPayoutPartnerSel', PCountry: pCountry, PMode: pMode, Partner: partner };
var optionsSel = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSendSel,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
function (response) {
var datas = response;
var agentId = "";
if (datas.length > 0) {
agentId = datas[0].agentId;
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(agentId);
$("#" + mId + "hddFetchExrateFromPartner").val(datas[0].exRateCalByPartner);
$("#" + mId + "hddIsRealTimeTxn").val(datas[0].isRealTime);
$("#" + mId + "hddPCountryCode").val(datas[0].COUNTRYCODE);
$("#" + mId + "hddChoosePayer").val(datas[0].ChoosePayer);
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
function LoadPartnerDDL(pCountry, pMode, payoutPartner, isFrmBack = "") {
var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'LoadPayoutPartner', pCountry: pCountry, pMode: pMode };
var options = {
url: 'SendV2.aspx?',
data: dataToSend,
dataType: 'JSON',
type: 'POST',
async: false,
function (response) {
var data = response;
var ddl = GetElement(mId + "ddlPayoutPartner");
if (data.length > 2) {
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(payoutPartner);
else {
var option;
var hasDef = 'N';
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (data[j].isDefault === 'Y') {
hasDef = 'Y';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = data[i].AGENTNAME;
option.value = data[i].AGENTID;
try {
//if (parseInt(data[i].AGENTID) === parseInt(payoutPartner)) {
if (isFrmBack === "yes") {
$("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val(payoutPartner);
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(payoutPartner);
else {
if (hasDef === 'Y') {
if (data[i].isDefault === 'Y') {
$("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val(data[i].AGENTID);
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(data[i].AGENTID);
else {
if (payoutPartner === '' || payoutPartner === null || payoutPartner === undefined) {
if (data[i].isDefault === 'Y') {
$("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val(data[i].AGENTID);
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(data[i].AGENTID);
else {
$("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val(payoutPartner);
$("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(payoutPartner);
catch (e) {
error: function (result) {
alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data");
$(document).on('change', "#" + mId + "pCountry", function () {
$("#" + mId + "branch").empty();
$("#" + mId + "pMode").empty();
$("#" + mId + "pAgent").empty();
$("#" + mId + "branch").removeClass('required');
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "disabled form-control");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecDepAcNo").val('');
$("#" + mId + "lblExCurr").text('');
$("#" + mId + "lblPayCurr").text('');
$("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimit").text('0.00');
GetElement("spnPayoutLimitInfo").innerHTML = "";
$("#" + mId + "txtSendEmail").removeClass("required");
$("#" + mId + "txtRecEmail").removeClass("required");
if ($("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected ").val() !== "") {
//if ($("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected ").val() === "203" || $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected ").val() === "151") {
// SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlPayoutPartner", '394130');
// $('#divPartnerSelect').show();
// PopulateExRate();
//else {
// SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlPayoutPartner", '');
// $('#divPartnerSelect').hide();
PcountryOnChange('c', "");
SetPayCurrency($("#" + mId + "pCountry").val());
var pmode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
if (partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0] || pmode === "2") {
$("#" + mId + "branch").addClass('required');
$(document).on('change', '#' + mId + 'pMode', function () {
$("#" + mId + "branch").empty();
$("#" + mId + "txtRecDepAcNo").val('');
$('#txtpBranch_aText').attr("class", "disabled form-control");
ReceivingModeOnChange("", "");
var pmode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val();
var pModeText = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text();
var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val();
SearchReceiverDetails($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlReceiver').val(), partnerId, 'yes', pModeText);
if (partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0] || pmode === "2") {
$("#" + mId + "branch").addClass('required');
//if ((partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0]) && pmode === "2") {
// $('#agentBranchRequired').hide();
// $("#" + mId + "branch").removeClass('required');
//if ((partnerId === apiPartnerIds[0]) && pmode === "2") {
// LoadPayerData();
$(document).on('change', '#' + mId + 'paymentThrough', function () {
$(document).on('change', '#' + mId + 'ddlScheme', function () {
if ($("#" + mId + "ddlScheme option:selected").text().toUpperCase() === "ITEL COUPON SCHEME") {
$(document).on('#btnDepositDetail', 'click', function () {
var collAmt = PopUpWindow("CollectionDetail.aspx", "");
if (collAmt === "undefined" || collAmt === undefined || collAmt === null || collAmt === "") {
collAmt = $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").text();
else {
if ((collAmt) > 0) {
SetValueById(mId + "txtCollAmt", collAmt, "");
$("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").attr("readonly", true);
$("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").attr("readonly", true);
else {
SetValueById(mId + "txtCollAmt", "", "");
SetValueById(mId + "txtPayAmt", "", "");
$("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").attr("readonly", false);
$("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").attr("readonly", false);
//added by gunn
$(document).on('blur', mId + "introducerTxt_aSearch", function () {
var referral = $(mId + "introducerTxt_aText").val();
if (referral === "") {
$("#" + mId + "hdnRefAvailableLimit").val('');
///////////////////////////////////// ------ End Agents / Agent's Branchs /////////////////////////////